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Your Life's Destiny

Destiny Dana
By Destiny Dana
April 29, 2020
Your Life's Destiny
Your Life's Destiny

You entered this world with a specific blueprint of “time”. We could call it divine timing, or a date with destiny! Your birthday is a roadmap to illumination and the blueprint for your destiny. The playing cards in the deck symbolize the natural and spiritual sides of life through an ancient number system. Your birthday signifies the archetypal knowledge here to guide and support you on your true life path. Our natural path and spiritual paths are laid before us to navigate with our free will. Let’s face it, life is constantly throwing us curve balls. As we play the hand we are dealt, we are faced with making decisions to “course correct” as we navigate through life’s challenges.

The good news is that you can follow your path of destiny which details your life cycles with great accuracy. The first thing you will need to discover is your birth card. As we all know, astrology and numerology are also associated with your birth information, but your destiny cards give you a different perspective.

The common playing cards are an esoteric system derived from ancient origins and passed on from one of the oldest spiritual organizations and assumed to have originated from a mystic brotherhood from the age of Atlantis. These see-ers of old are said to have carried the secrets of the Universe--knowledge of the cosmos through astronomy, astrology, numerology, and the laws of nature. The Mystic Test Book was released in 1893 by Olney Richmond and reintroduced in 1947 with the publication of Sacred Symbols of the Ancients by Florence Campbell and Edith Randall. Regardless of its origins, the 52 cards in the deck are given as a roadmap of illumination through its significance of our calendar, numbers, colors, placement, and sequence. This is a “living system” and it continues to reveal it’s secrets through the understanding and intuition of the destiny reader.

Your destiny reading will reveal your path of destiny through the knowledge of the cards associated with your birthday—your lifetime path, yearly cycles, money, success, relationships, and finding love. When you are in alignment with the natural rhythm of these cycles, it ultimately leads you toward fulfilling your dreams and life purpose. Your whole life improves when you live authentically in accordance with natural law. There are windows throughout your yearly cycle that indicate specific areas to focus on such as love and money. This is helpful as your year unfolds, especially when you are making important decisions.

Knowing your destiny card connections serves as a valuable resource to help you understand the nature of any relationship whether it’s family, friends, lovers, or work associates. You begin to see your relationships in a “new light” when you apply the knowledge of your destiny cards. Your relationship profiles the dynamics of your relationship and the karma you are here to work through. Your love reading helps you better understand your relationships highlighting the strengths and weaknesses, and letting you know if you are a good match. Your readings will also reveal when the time is right to find love!

You are better able to understand the deeper patterns that are at play. You will learn what influences your relationship, how compatible you are, as well as challenges and personality conflicts you may encounter. You will be better able to understand the deeper patterns that are at play. After all, our relationships are strong reflections for personal growth and transformation bringing out the best and worst of us.

The other hot topic is always money. Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold as the song goes. Your destiny reading can give you important timelines for your financial success, especially when the money window opens up and it would be prudent to take action. Timing is everything and when it comes to your career, knowing your destiny profile will go a long way toward making strategic decisions and “banking” on them.

With the knowledge of the cards, you are well on your way toward successful relationships, financial security, health improvement, and spiritual power. You are ready! Your destiny awaits…

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