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How to Manifest Love and Career Success

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
September 30, 2022
How to Manifest Love and Career Success
How to Manifest Love and Career Success
TL;DRManifestation looks difficult, but the process is simple if your heart is really in it. In order to see our goals in love and in our careers come to fruition, we need to have a burning desire for it that we can send out into the universe. Everyone’s manifestation techniques will look slightly different, but having clear and solid intentions is more important than anything. We need to be specific in what we ask for, but remember how it may impact those around us in life. Only manifest the desires that you know will serve you well in the long run, and learn how to do so quickly and effectively in this article today.

Manifesting Your Reality 

How to Manifest Love and Career Success

Understanding how manifestation actually works is the first step in manifesting effectively. For instance, while there is so much power held by the universe that we all have the ability to tap into, we are still bound by the laws of physics; we cannot manifest ourselves to be literally taller, or beg the universe to become physically more beautiful. These elements of life are the 'baseline' that we have to work and build upon, but how we do so is definitely within our control. That being said, manifestation exists and is incredibly powerful. Whilst you may not be able to fight against the earth’s physical laws, you can manifest a change in the way you view the world, and how the world views you in turn. You can manifest a change in behavior, ambition or life direction too. To be feeling low about fixed features is very much in your control to change, and manifestation can be a great way of doing so. When we grow frustrated that things aren’t changing as quickly as we would like, reframe your efforts and direct your manifesting energy towards altering the lens you view life through. Focus your attention on attracting positive energy and trying to shift your mindset from one of longing for the impossible and towards one of self-acceptance. We are all unique and we all serve a purpose here, it just takes a bit of digging to realize this sometimes.

How to Set Intentions and Manifest

How to Manifest Love and Career Success

The way we approach manifestation is very unique to each individual, but there are a few standard steps that need to be taken. Firstly, your intentions need to be crystal clear - you need to know exactly what it is that you want, and why you want it. Ask yourself; how will achieving this goal better your life? How will it better the lives of those around you? Whatever your hopes and dreams may be, attach yourself to them and don’t waver. Not only this, but the clearer and more concise your wishes are, even better. For instance, rather than simply asking the universe for a new job, think about how you want this new job to look. Visualize yourself in an office environment that excites you, and envisage the type of role that you feel fits you perfectly. Keep on drawing this mental picture repeatedly until your intentions are set in stone. Finally, after your desires have been made explicit, reach out to the universe and use your energy to bring this goal to fruition. Write it out on paper, speak aloud or communicate earnestly with your mind. Also, to declare that you already have what you desire can be super important as the brain struggles to distinguish between 'I want' and 'I am', so we can really capitalize off this. Whatever it is you want to manifest, you need to say it proudly, and believe you are capable of it too.

Manifestation Stones

How to Manifest Love and Career Success

For thousands of years crystals and gemstones have been revered for their powerful energy. Some stones even have the ability to help us supercharge our manifesting powers, giving us the energy to send our intentions out into the universe and reap bountiful rewards. Outlined below are two of the most popular crystals used for manifestation and the scenarios in which they are most effective.


Because citrine helps us manifest prosperity, abundance, and wealth, it is known as ‘The Merchant's Stone’ and this stone teaches us that by attracting the people and situations needed to achieve our dreams, we can be more successful. The energy of this gemstone is very positive as it stands for vitality, joy, warmth, and new beginnings. Citrine can also help us to feel more creative, inspired, ambitious, generous, revitalized, and happy. It won't take long for you to start experiencing some good luck, added physical energy or a renewed zest for life when you keep this crystal near.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a stone that motivates us to take actions that result in good fortune. It not only helps us recognise all the opportunities open to us, but it also supports the focus and insight needed to make those opportunities a reality. The Tiger's Eye beautifully combines insight and intuition to turn problems into opportunities by integrating spirituality with physical reality. It allows us to make practical choices inspired by the higher mind and find creative solutions that turn problems into positive potentials. One of the best crystals for good luck, this stone of courage promotes willpower, emotional strength, and perseverance, in addition to being physically healthy. As a result of our free will and proactive decision-making inspired by the stone, Tiger's Eye has also been shown to manifest change and attract wealth. By protecting our resources, it also brings us good fortune.

Proof Manifestation Works

Many people see manifestation as fluffy and unfixed, dismissing it as wishful thinking or a form of confirmation bias. However, there really is a scientific basis for understanding how they work; research states that positive thinking really does lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. This is called ‘the positive effect’ and those who display it are shown to be more successful in almost all areas of life, from career and family to love and friendships. Not only this, another scientific study showed that people who actively visualize their goals and dreams as if they have already been achieved were far more likely to see these goals come to fruition in reality. People who think this way in general were shown to be less anxious, more positive and generally reap greater successes in life than those who didn’t. At the end of the day, to source concrete data regarding the science behind manifestation and the law of attraction is virtually impossible, but the evidence we do have thus far suggests that there are only positives to be had.

How to Manifest a Job You Want

How to Manifest Love and Career Success

Manifestation requires an individual to put all of their mental energy into picturing the life they want to lead or achieving a goal they wish to strive for. As such, many people will turn to manifestation when it comes to securing the job of their dreams. Whether or not you believe in the spiritual credibility of manifestation, that being the vibrational energy produced by our burning desires, manifestation is also simply a way for us to grow even more determined to achieve the things we want. If we constantly tell ourselves that we have the power to step foot in the perfect job, we are eventually going to start believing it. If you are so inclined, you can call out into the universe for support, but of course, if you don’t have faith in this practice it isn’t going to work. However you wish to conduct your manifestation, the most important thing to remember is that you need to be committed and strongly feel the associated emotions with the job you are envisaging for your future. If you want to work in a creative field, picture the artistic mediums you would be working with. If you want to work abroad, imagine far away lands and people of various cultures. Really feel the emotions associated with this, and tell yourself that it is going to happen for you. This is what manifestation is all about.

How to Manifest Career Success

It’s all too easy to get lost in the chaos of everyday life and this can cloud our ability to manifest. We may get stuck in a rut and accept our current lives as our long-term reality. Instead, we must find the motivation to plow forward, never fearing change and envisaging power in our future. We also need a clear mind and a sense of determination before manifesting anything, but especially when it comes to manifesting career success. Some of the best advice for grounding oneself and manifesting career success is to stay tuned into three aspects of life - the mind, body and soul. The importance of this trinity for our overall mental health and sense of grounding is huge. Firstly, to ground the mind, set positive affirmations and repeat them daily. Whatever it is that you want to achieve in your career needs to be spoken aloud and claimed as reality already. Picture yourself as the company’s top performer and revel in the image of endless successes in the workplace. The process of manifesting career success may be longer than simply manifesting a job, but stick at it and remember not to waver - manifestation requires a strong, determined sense of intention.

How to Manifest Your Soulmate

How to Manifest Love and Career Success

A loving relationship is manifested when we love ourselves. We can not expect that another person will reciprocate our good faith simply because we crave their affection. Those who intend to manipulate our love will do so by attacking our self-love, as self-love is essential to recognizing people who do not have your best intentions at heart. At the end of the day, a loving and fulfilling relationship begins with the relationship we have with ourselves, which is why self-love is crucial to building relationships we will be happy in longterm. If we are seeking to be in a relationship that is loving and fulfilling, settling for anything that doesn’t live up to this is the opposite of self-love. We give others permission to treat us poorly if we settle for less than our hearts desire, leading to dysfunctional relationships. Manifesting our soul mate requires us to love ourselves enough to walk away from everything and everyone that does not serve us. We must be patient with ourselves because some things take longer to manifest than others and we will be taken care of by the universe as long as we live according to our truth. Be true to yourself and focus on the love you seek in your life.

How to Manifest Love Fast

We can speed up manifestation skills with the help of meditative techniques. This is because meditation is a successful technique at grounding the body as it gives us the opportunity to fully tune in to how we are feeling physically. Take time to breathe, feel the ground beneath you and feel the rate of your heart beat. Look out for all or any sensations and assess how it makes you feel overall. Doing this daily, even if for a short burst, will help accelerate the manifestation process. After doing so, you have put yourself in the best possible position to manifest love. 

Manifestation is the idea of bringing something into existence through the use of thoughts and desires. Many people brush off the idea of manifestation as nonsense, but there is scientific research that links success to people with positive thinking. Manifestation is also especially popular in the realms of love and career, so consider manifesting success in these areas today!

There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about manifestation at Mysticsense today!

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