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Are White Lies Ok?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
September 20, 2023
Are White Lies Ok?
Are White Lies Ok?

When it comes to being honest, some people say it is always best to tell the whole truth no matter what, but not everybody agrees. Everybody tells a little white lie every now and then. In our love relationships, friendships, and even our work relationships, it can feel necessary to withhold a hurtful truth or embellish the facts to keep the peace every so often. 

What is a White Lie?

Are White Lies Ok?

A white lie is defined as a lie that bends the truth a little bit and is either harmless or told to keep the facts secret, so people are not hurt by the truth. These lies are often considered to be about unimportant situationsand they won’t cause harm if they are not disclosed. An example of a white lie is telling somebody a different reason why you are not accepting a dinner invitation. If your partner asks if a dress they have on is unflattering, and you tell them they look great, but you actually think the dress makes their skin look washed out.You’ll feel like you are protecting them from feeling unconfident. White lies are considered more tactful than the truth and they tell people either what is more comfortable to hear, or they conceal difficult truths.

What might surprise you is how often people lie. Brandon Gaille found lies are most often seen on dating sites and men are reported to be twice as likely to lie as women. A majority of people lie about four times per day and surprisingly, people are only about 50% likely to detect that somebody is lying to them. 

By the age of four, most people know what a lie is, and about 60% of adults have already started lying in some capacity in even a short ten-minute conversation. Not all lies are told with the intent to mislead.White lies are the lies that people tell with the intention of being courteous, protecting other people’s feelings, and to avoid uncomfortable situations.

White Lies in Relationships 

White lies can bring dishonesty into relationships even if that is not the intention. When you lie about money to your partner, even if you consider it to be a small sum of money, it means your partner cannot trust you to be truthful about money. It also means you don’t want your partner to know what you spent. One of the facts about love is that honesty is important, and a sign that is lacking in your relationship is that you hide things from your partner. If you are thinking of telling your partner a white lie, ask yourself something. How would you feel if your partner told the same lie to you? If it would upset you, don’t tell the white lie.

White Lies in Friendships

In your friendships, lies are sometimes told to avoid hurt feelings. If you had plans with a friend but want to go do something you think sounds like more fun with somebody else, you might feel more comfortable telling them you don’t feel well instead of asking them if they mind if you reschedule. Nobody wants to tell a friend something that might risk the friendship. If you can’t tell your friend something, maybe you shouldn’t do it at all. Friends are not romance partners, but dishonesty compromises our faith in each other in friendships too.

White Lies at Work

Nobody wants to jeopardize their job. Working in a role you love and then making a mistake can be hard to take., You might be afraid of beingwritten up, demoted, or fired. It’s up to you to lie or come clean about the mistake.The problem is, there is always a chance you could get found out at a later date.

Keeping open, honest communication with your team about what is going on will give you the chance to correct a mistake before it becomes a major issue. Also avoiding making the mistake again in future. Things you consider small like pocketing office supplies or taking some of a co-worker’s lunch are never a good idea if you want to be considered truthful on the job.

Can White Lies Be Good?

Are White Lies Ok?

A little white lie is not supposed to be about covering up ugliness, but it’swhat they do sometimes. A white lie is supposed to be something that helps everybody and prevents big problems. Not everybody wants to hear every last uncharitable opinion you have and not everybody needs every single detail about everything that happens. Even though dishonesty can hurt trust, there are times when the whole truth is not helpful, and saying less can keep everybody happy. When an ugly truth would humiliate somebody, it’s better to say something else. When the truth hurts, it is not always important to share it.

White Lies To Save Face

When telling all the facts humiliates somebody, it’snot be necessary to share them. If you know your best friend’s new significant other has a family member who is involved in crime, telling everybody in your friend’s circle all about that wouldn’tbe a good idea. If you know somebody earns less money than everybody else who lives on your street, it is not necessary to disclose that to the neighbors. If a little white lie protects somebody and causes no harm, it’s okay.

When The Truth Hurts

There is nothing wrong with telling somebody they look good when you think they’ve looked better.. Telling a friend that you didn’t see their ex with another date when you actually did, as this will upset your friend. Some people prefer to know all the facts, no matter how hurtful they can be, but not everybody does! When withholding things that you know keeps people from being unnecessarily hurt, a white lie that protects people is alright.

To Keep the Peace

Sometimes it is best to reveal the truth even if it creates negative energy. You might decide that the truth will cause fights, and revealing the facts won’t benefit anybody. In these situations, sometimes telling a white lie will prevent further problems. If revealing all of the facts in a situation will cause a bigger problem, , you might decide to tell a small lie instead in order to keep things peaceful.

White Lies vs Real Lies

Are White Lies Ok?

While a white lie is defined as a small lie that is pretty much considered harmless, bigger lies which some people prefer to call “real lies” can cause terrible problems. Lies about money, especially large amounts,,, can cripple a family’s finances and put their entire lifestyle in jeopardy. Lying about going out of town for work when you are actually going to cheat on your spouse can destroy your marriage. Saying you worked more hours than you did can result in you being let go from your job.

What is considered “real lies'' are lies that cause harm and have serious consequences for whoever tells the lie.. White lies are told to help prevent problems, and protect everybody, but “real lies” are usually told only to protect the person telling the lie. Big lies can make somebody you love question whether they can trust you, which can end a relationship. Big lies only serve the people doing the lying and they don’t actually help anybody.

Lies & Love

Are White Lies Ok?

When you truly love somebody, the last thing you want to do is hurt them or jeopardize your relationship. Truth is important in our relationships, and some people say they can’t be in a relationship with somebody who lies to them. Unconditional love might mean that somebody loves you forever, but it doesn’t mean they will stay in a relationship with somebody who they can’t trust to be honest. Lies can compromise both physical and emotional closeness which can translate into intimacy issues if there are lies.

White Lies & The Truth

Are White Lies Ok?

The truth about little white lies is that sometimes they help. Sometimes a small lie can keep things from becoming a big problem . They help save people a lot of heartache and keep people from being embarrassed and hurt plus, they help keep fights at bay. Big lies don’t help anybody but the person telling the lies, and it’s always better to be truthful. The consequences once a big lie is discovered can be disastrous. Lies compromise relationships by destroying trust, and once trust is destroyed it leads to a breakup.

Help with White Lies

Are White Lies Ok?

No matter what goes wrong in relationships, it is possible to move past the pain and grow back together. A love psychic can help you find the best ways to move past the white lies and rekindle the trust.. Would you like a relationship guide to help you find out if a loved one is lying? How about a conversation with a psychic when you are feeling bad about being dishonest? Join us at Mysticsense for an in-depth reading about all your relationship questions and if you sign on with us today, you recieve the first 5 minutes of your reading for free!

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