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Loving Another Woman or Man

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
February 17, 2022
Loving Another Woman or Man
Loving Another Woman or Man
TL;DRSynchronicity between a man and a woman who are married to other people is sited as the cause for infidelity most of the time. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out when a relationship starts with an affair and women who say things like “ He left his wife for me, but he made me fall for him, then left '' end up brokenhearted. Maybe you aren’t the other woman but are confused between two guys and one is asking the other ‘Is she trying to make me jealous?” Can you learn how to stop loving a man who is taken, or how to stop being the other woman? Learn about this and other issues that arise when you are the other lover with us today.

A spiritual connection between a man and woman can be one reason a man cites for having a lover on the side of his marriage. While plenty of couples have divorced and remarried other people they met while in a loveless marriage, unless you can say he has left his spouse to be with you, he may tell people “She is my other woman” when and if he talks about you. How to survive being the other woman when you are convinced he loves you as well as his wife isn’t something you can learn from an article, and what to do if you can say “He left me for another woman” isn‘t either.

How do you know it’s really love when you are involved with somebody else’s spouse, or if they are just amusing themselves with you? If it’s a maneater woman on the prowl, or a womanizing man who just wants to add notches in their headboards, nobody can stop you from participating in their games, but don’t expect them to treat you lovingly or commit to you for life. A married woman with feelings for another man is different than a man hunting woman. You may be looking for a spell to keep someone away from someone else if your significant other likes someone else. Is there a way of how to keep him yours, even if he married someone else, or are you in for a world of hurt with a player who just wants plenty of affairs outside their marriage?

What kind of things can happen when you date somebody else’s spouse or just sleep with them? What can go wrong in your relationships with them, and how can it make you feel? Is there anything to watch out for when somebody else’s wife wants to be your lover and what can you do to survive being the other man or woman?

What is a Kept Woman or Man?

Loving Another Woman or Man

“A married man likes me, and we meet every Friday afternoon in our favorite motel room, but then he goes home to his wife.” If this is what you have to say about your time with your lover, he’s keeping you on the side and is trying to also keep you a secret from his spouse. Some people go so far as to give money to their lovers they have on the side of their marriage and make great promises to divorce their wife or husband “when the time is right”, but that time has just not come yet. Often, kept men and women get a lot of money from their married lovers, and they understand they are not going to replace the spouse. Sometimes their spouse is even aware of this arrangement, and it’s become a stereotype that wealthy, powerful men have at least one or more mistress on the side who they spend a lot of money on and they call this “keeping” a lover.

Am I Just a Rebound Woman?

Loving Another Woman or Man

Some people have a fight with their husband or wife, and temporarily separate with no intention of getting a divorce, but they tell people they are separated and begin dating and taking lovers. Sometimes, people actually file for divorce and see it through, but immediately have to have somebody to date or have sex with, and have no emotional attachment to their lover. Stranger things have happened than coincidentally meeting the person you are meant to end up with while a divorce is finalizing, but plenty of times, people don’t like the feeling of being single, and grab hold of whoever they can date immediately just so they won’t feel alone. You may be crazy about your newly separated lover, but they just want you around while they are “rebounding” or recovering from their breakup and they think of you as a temporary comfort as opposed to somebody they will commit to.

Is She a Man Eater Woman?

Loving Another Woman or Man

There are plenty of women who collect lovers and have no regard for the feelings of the men they use and discard. Marriage doesn’t seem to slow them down, and their spouses may or may not be aware of their romances and lovers they have on the side. Women who go through men like tissues can seem the most beautiful and alluring creatures on the planet, and they seem to know just what to say and do to enchant nearly every man they meet. While it’s one thing for a woman and her husband to have an agreement she can have sex on the side of their marriage, it’s another thing if you think she is going to kick her husband out and replace him with you.

Finding out early on what her intentions are will save you heartache, and help you know what to expect. What happens between consenting adults is one thing, but if you are being treated as a plaything by a woman who just wants to collect sexual encounters with people who she thinks of as objects, you may be better off staying away from her if your emotions can’t endure it. If you, her, and her spouse are all on the same page that casual sex is okay, enjoy! Just don’t tell yourself her heart will be yours if you see that’s not what she is looking for.

He’s a Womanizer!

Loving Another Woman or Man

Like man eating women, there are plenty of charming men who seem to make every woman they meet putty in their hands everywhere they go. Some women who have been hurt would insist every male is this way, but that’s not true. Signs he is a womanizer is that he only calls when he wants sex but can’t eb available anytime for anything else. Another sign is that he can’t stop staring at or flirting with other women, even when he is with you. Be aware if he goes out of his way to “be romantic” immediately, but then disappears just as quickly as he appeared. There is nothing wrong with a fling you both enjoy that’s just temporary, but if he’s acting like a man who collects women, he will probably not put a ring on your finger and pledge to be yours forever.

A Married Man Likes Me at Work

Loving Another Woman or Man

“ A married man likes me at my job, and I like him too!” Before you decide he is the one you are destined to be with, ask yourself some questions. First of all, how long have you known him, and what do you know about his marriage? Is their divorce nearly final, and you have been close to him for a while, or is he somebody you have spent little time with and he is flirting? Has he done this before to other women at your job, and does he complain about his marriage to whoever will listen, or is he respecting his spouse, and quietly living his life while the divorce happens? How has he expressed he likes you? Has he asked for sex, or have you enjoyed having lunch together and a friendship has grown? While some people just want free sex on the side of their marriage, it’s entirely possible this is a decent relationship forming, and it just happens to come at the end of the marriage that is pretty much over.

Knowing which situation this is will be the difference is having a meaningless affair that could very well cost both of you your jobs, and him his marriage, and stepping away before any damage can be done. If a man is making unwanted advances towards you on the job, don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor or human resources director for help. Harassment on the job is illegal and nobody has the right to make you feel uncomfortable when all you want to do is come do your job well.

I Am Married and Have Feelings for Someone Else

Loving Another Woman or Man

One woman married young, and she and her husband had three kids immediately. As sometimes happens, they both spent so much time and energy raising their beautiful family, they stopped spending time together as a couple. Then, she met a man at work she said she fell hopelessly in love with and he said he loved her too. They very much wanted to be together. What should she do? Should she leave her husband and start a life with this new man, or try to salvage her marriage?

She went home and spoke with her husband about it, confessing her feelings, and decided she wanted to reconnect with the man she married young and had kids she loved with. She told her co-worker she would not leave her marriage, and she quit her job. She and her husband got couples counseling and started spending personal time together again. They recently celebrated two decades of marriage together and look forward to being grandparents in the near future.

Just because you meet somebody you like doesn’t mean you need to end your marriage. One wise older woman who was married for thirty years told a newlywed woman she may see somebody attractive at some point. ‘You are married, not dead!” she told her. It’s okay to think somebody else has some attractive qualities, and still love your spouse and stay faithful.

My Husband Has Feelings for Another Woman

Loving Another Woman or Man

Sometimes, your spouse decides they want to be with someone else and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Sometimes, they have an affair but want to stay married and pledge to be faithful to you from now on. How can you know what is going to happen? How can you trust they love you and won’t cheat or leave you? Sometimes, foretelling the future is best kept with your psychic, but sometimes, you can tell they are not going to be married to you forever. Do they spend progressively less and less time at home and it’s not job related?

Are they going out to breakfast every morning all the sudden and staying out doing extracurricular things after work and these are things they never did before? Do they talk to you less and less? Did all of this come on when you realized they had feelings or an interest in somebody else? The marriage may be doomed, but the truth is YOU are not doomed. Maybe things used to be exactly as you dreamed they would be early on in your marriage, but that has changed, and now there pretty much isn’t anything left to the marriage.

Letting such a relationship go can open you up to a bright future of new love with somebody else. This person you married isn’t the only person in your life, and if they are making it clear they don’t care to be in your life anymore, that’s okay. Plenty of other people will be thankful to be in your life, but you can’t open the door to new love until you let go of the love that is now dead. You need to move forward in your life, and if your spouse is not committed to moving forward in life with you, you can do that without them.

If you are considering moving forward from a marriage, this article may have some things to say that you would like to consider: Forward! Never Back (

He Got Married to Someone Else!

Loving Another Woman or Man

“ He chose his baby mama over me! How could this happen!” If you believe there are cords of love that cannot be broken between you and somebody who went ahead and married someone else instead of you, chances are you love them more than they love you. Don’t tell yourself that you have to be devoted to them, hoping they “come to their senses”, leaving the one they married, and running back to you. If they went ahead and married somebody else, all you need to know is they didn’t choose you.

One man named Dean got a call from his girlfriend that she had just gotten married- and yet he continued dating her. One day, her husband came home, and caught him there with her and demanded he leave and never return. Over ten years later, Dean still couldn’t understand why her husband had thrown him out and why she allowed it, but the fact was, she had married another man instead of Dean. Don’t allow yourself to be in this kind of denial that they love you more if they choose somebody else over you. If you want to be top priority, being in a relationship with somebody who picked somebody else over you isn’t the way to ensure it.

How to Move on From Being the Other Woman or Man

Loving Another Woman or Man

How does the other woman feel about the wife the husband won’t leave? It can be heartbreaking when you love a man who you thought would be yours, but he never makes that happen. Instead, he stays in the relationship you thought was not what he wanted, but in fact a commitment to you is what he doesn’t want. You might feel his wife is the problem, and that if it weren’t for her, he would be free to be yours, but that isn’t true. If he wanted to be with you instead, he would have left her already.

There will come a time when you get tired of being second priority and want to be with a man or woman who makes you the center of his world, but you probably won’t leave until emotionally you are done and you want things to be over. Maybe you are not proud of the fact you had an affair with a married man, but remember, the one who was responsible to his wife and took vows to her was him, not you. You made a mistake, but chances are you weren’t his first affair and even if you were, you might not be the last person he has an affair with.

The way to move forward, and away from this situation is to decide you want to, and with your head held high. You know better now, and you know that in the future, this isn’t what you want in your life. When you want true love and did not find it, whether it was in a relationship with somebody else’s significant other or not, what you learned is that if you are not being loved, you don’t need to be in that relationship. Know that you deserve better, and there is a better relationship out there waiting for you. But what if you believe you can figure out a way to get him to stay with you and no other?

How To Keep Him Hooked?

Loving Another Woman or Man

The ugly truth is you can’t keep somebody who doesn’t want to stay with you. You can try to make changes, but once they have decided they want to leave, let them. It doesn’t matter how many years you have had together, how many experiences you have had, how much you love them, or how badly you want them to stay. If their heart is set on leaving, they are going to, so don’t try to stop them. What if he tells you he doesn’t love you anymore? Then he never loved you to begin with because love itself is forever and doesn’t go away because of time or any other reason.

Some people get married because they like the way you look, because they are having fun with you, or because they are excited about being married. As things in life change, that excitement wears off when they realize marriage is about more than the gifts and honeymoon they enjoy, and having kids means having less sex. They may dislike how your bodies change as they age and assume they can dump you for a much younger, or otherwise “more attractive “ lover, and just like that, years of marriage go out the window. As hurtful as this can feel when it first happens, what would hurt more is staying married to somebody who for whatever reason simply doesn’t love you.

There are no magic spells to attract him to you again once he is focused on leaving, but you can enjoy the magic of a better life once he is gone. There won’t be a man living in your home or heart, taking up the space somebody who truly would love you can anymore. You won’t devote time to doing things for him that you can better devote to doing for yourself, and your focus won’t be on trying to keep an unhappy person happy anymore. Him leaving is probably the kindest thing he has ever done for you and the best thing that ever happened to you when he doesn’t love you. So, say good riddance and move into better times with better lovers!

How To Get a Woman to Leave Her Husband

Loving Another Woman or Man

What if you know a woman who you feel, for whatever reason ought to leave her husband? Maybe you are a friend, and you can see she’s in a toxic relationship. You have tried to talk her into leaving, and she’s just not leaving. What can you do? Nothing. Sometimes, people are truly in dead end, bad relationships, and ought to leave, but they just won’t. All you can do is let your friend know you care about their wellbeing and support their right to make their own decision. You can urge them to leave because it’s healthier, but all you can do is wait for them to leave when they feel ready.

Sometimes, people stay for love, a sense of commitment, and sometimes they even stay because they were raised in an abusive home and being in an abusive romantic relationship is all they can imagine they have to look forward to. Whatever reasons a man or woman have for staying in a bad relationship, they can use the support of friends and family once they finally make the decision to leave. Just be prepared it may take a while if it happens at all. Hopefully they will decide they want a better life and will remember you were one of the people being supportive of that.

Is This the End?

Loving Another Woman or Man

So, you caught your spouse cheating and you don’t know what to do. Ask yourself is this a rough patch in marriage, and he figured out how to get rid of the other woman for good? Is the trust completely broken, or do you want to forgive and try again? Other people will give their advice and opinions, and an internet search will turn up countless stories from men and women whose spouse cheated, and they will insist you must either stay together or immediately divorce. The truth is, it's your marriage, and your feelings, and your decisions are the only ones that matter.

Marriage isn’t for everybody, and that’s okay. If you are not built for monogamy, being in open relationships, or staying out of relationships entirely if that’s what’s best for you is completely okay. Families and society pressures us to marry and have kids because “that’s what’s always been done” but not everybody wants that kind of life. You don’t owe your parents or your culture a lifestyle they expect of you, and if you are hurting yourself and other people to keep up appearances of conforming to expectations, you can always get out of that situation.

He Keeps Hurting Me Emotionally!

Loving Another Woman or Man

“He keeps hurting me! How can I get him to treat me how I want him to? “ If you are in a relationship that, for whatever reason hurts, isn’t getting better, and just doesn’t work for you, before you tell him goodbye, take a good look at your relationship with yourself. Maybe the other woman lost him this time, and you have learned to deal with the other woman being in the picture since it keeps happening. If loving your man and loving yourself are at odds, ask yourself what makes you want to stay in a relationship where you love him, but he clearly doesn’t love you.

Even if he lost the other woman every time, and kept coming back to you, is he really yours? How many lovers on the side does your spouse have to have before you realize they are not committed to you? How to find a faithful woman or man isn’t a lesson you learn in school, but neither is how to be the other woman, or how to stop loving a married man. Some people are not going to be faithful, and there is no spell to keep someone away so they can’t cheat.

Sometimes, bad things happen in your marriage that you can move on from, stronger as a couple than you were before, and sometimes, the marriage is literally dead, and you decide it’s time to part. You didn’t get married expecting to get a divorce, but when things go so badly there is no way to fix things, having the strength to let the marriage go is the only thing you can do.

People who have divorced can tell you one thing that helped them manage is the support of family and friends, but you have another resource with Mysticsense. We have relationship experts and life coaches who will help you find your strength and heal your heart. You don’t have to go through things alone, and we are just a call away.

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