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Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
March 01, 2022
Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man
Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man
TL;DRFiguring out what a Sagittarius woman is attracted to romantically and what a Sagittarius woman looks for in friendships can be as simple as asking her what she wants. Sagittarius woman traits don’t include being mysterious, and Sagittarius people are typically very outspoken, not being shy about sharing their opinions, and they don’t hold back letting their preferences be known.

So, you have met a funny, bubbly Sagittarian, and your relationship has been nothing but fun from the beginning. You may wonder if you will ever be able to keep up with their seemingly endless energy, and you will probably find their openness and honesty refreshing, and their spontaneity will excite you to no end. Represented by the sexy centaur and also the archer who is always aiming their energy towards a goal, Sagittarians are typically very in touch with their sexual selves and love making with them can put other signs to shame. How do you attract such an exciting individual and how do you put up with them at their worst? What are good matches for them, and what is Sagittarius like when it influences other things in birth charts besides just our Sun sign?

The Sagittarius Woman or Man

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

Sagittarians are fun loving people who make sure everybody else Is having at least as much fun as they are, but there is so much more to them than just good times. It’s not fair to write your Sagittarian off as a dreamer who has no sense of responsibility and blurts out every last unflattering opinion they ever had. They are adventurous, honest, charming, optimistic, and respect everybody’s personal boundaries. Of all the men at the club, he will be the one to approach and tell you the guy you just accepted a drink from has flirted with every woman in the place- and he might sweep you off your feet with his next breath.

Sagittarius woman characteristics aren’t just limited to their honesty and fun spirit. They have boundless energy, and it seems there is absolutely nothing she cannot accomplish once she applies herself. The trick is- what is it she wants to do? If that conflicts with what you are trying to get her to do…well, she may leave it all undone. A Sagittarian is radically independent, but it’s not that they are uncooperative. They are natural born leaders who just want to make sure everything gets done properly, and if they are aware YOUR way is not the best way, they will say so.

Keeping the rules and doing what society expects isn’t their main goals, but they somehow often manage to be trendsetters. Born December 17, award winning Sagittarian Wes Studi rose from humble beginnings with a degree in dry cleaning to become a member of the US National Guard, serving 12 active months, and even being stationed in Vietnam. He returned to The States and became active in the powerful American Indian Movement (AIM), participating in historic events such as the Trail of Broken Treaties protest march, and the occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

He later focused on running a ranch, becoming a horse trainer, and began helping with the publication of the Cherokee paper called The Cherokee Phoenix, which is in both Cherokee and English and still running today. He began teaching the Cherokee language and got involved in acting with the American Indian Theatre Company in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1983. Films such as Dances with Wolves, Last of the Mohicans, and Geronimo, an American Legend followed. He is also an accomplished stone carver, a musician, a children’s book author, and a film producer. He is 74 years young, and there is no telling what other wonderful things he will do.

Not all Sagittarians are as prolific as Studi, but most all of them love variety and are brave about trying new things, being unable to endure a monotonous life. They are passionate about what they do and have a laugh and a smile that lights up the room. They can sometimes go out of their way to be in the spotlight, but they have what it takes to get there and stay there. They are often jacks and jills of all trades because of both their varied interests and their drive to excel at what they love doing. If you’re lucky, they will take you along for the ride, and what a fun ride it will be!

First, read more about Sagittarius people here: Scorpio Star Sign in Spotlight & It`s Meaning.

How to Attract a Sagittarius Woman

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

You are going to have to be a very interesting individual who has a lot of unique experiences if you want to attract a Sagittarian. Some Sagittarians can be more home bodies than others, but those are rare ones, so set your sights on a Taurus or Leo if you want somebody to stay home with all the time. If you have a fearless outlook about life, a lot of energy, a full schedule that includes a plethora of different interests, and you communicate openly and honestly, you will catch their eye. They have a very strong bs meter, though, so don’t try to fake expertise on a topic just to impress them. They prefer ugly truths to beautiful lies and would rather you flat out tell them you don’t like their perfume than to later find out you “tolerate it but abhor it.”

Sagittarians are unfairly called cheats with no ability to commit, but that’s just not true. There are people belonging to each and every zodiac sign who don’t want to commit. It is fair, however, to say a Sagittarian doesn’t want to commit to a monotonous life with somebody that lacks variety or new experiences. They like nothing better than to have an adventure partner and a friend who will throw a suitcase in the car for a spur of the moment trip out of town on a three-day weekend. Somebody they trust and love long term to be their partner in new things suits them just fine!

How to Get a Sagittarius Woman to Chase You

Sagittarian men and women have absolutely no problem making their interest in somebody known. They are not shy about meeting new people and don’t need pick up lines. They just approach and start a conversation. However, if you are trying to MAKE a Sagittarian chase you and they have no interest in you whatsoever, they will not appreciate it. They value their personal space and freedom and will feel they are being pushed into doing something they don’t want to. If they had liked anything about you at all before, they may decide to stay away from you entirely if they feel you are pressuring them. You can certainly express your interest to them, but then, the ball is in their court. It’s up to them at that point whether they pursue a relationship or not.

How to Seduce a Sagittarius Woman

How to turn on a Sagittarius woman is easier than getting one to have a committed relationship with you. A Sagittarius woman sexually is usually not bashful. They can have one-night stands, and walk away as friends, not expecting anything permanent to come out of it. Sex is very playful for Sagittarians and they love to experiment and typically have few, if any sexual inhibitions. For committed relationships, you probably won’t have to worry about your Sagittarian expecting sex at the same time and place each week and in the exact same sexual position. They will make their preferences known, and let you know what they like and dislike most.

How to Keep a Sagittarius Woman Interested

This is more difficult than scoring a quick sexual encounter. You have to be as active in grabbing life by the horns and taking a rollicking fun ride as she is if you want your Sagittarian woman to stick around. Life is for living and enjoying new experiences for Sagittarians, and if your idea of a good time is doing the same thing day in and day out, you will bore them to sleep. Start a bucket list with them, and work on doing everything on the list together. That will keep your Sagittarian lover happy and keep your life together fun and exciting.

How to Deal with a Sagittarius Woman

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

Sagittarians can be downright tactless and mean when they want to be. “Well, it’s true” may be the excuse they give after saying that thing about Aunt Stella’s wig they think looks like a dead raccoon. They also have no issue ditching you if somebody more fun and exciting comes along and if you ask them “What does he have that I don’t?” be prepared for them to respond with “Fun.” Some less lightened Sagittarians don’t make the best employees because they only do the work tasks they WANT to do, and they can complain too much. They may blow off your dinner because they found something they would rather do, and yes, they just might cheat and blame you. However, everybody, no matter what their zodiac sign is has bad habits and a dark side, and you may decide that whatever your Sagittarian did to upset you isn’t a deal breaker after all.

How to Get a Sagittarius Woman Back

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

If you got especially upset when she told you the way you slurp soup reminds her of what a drowning mastodon would sound like, and you stormed out of dinner, but later you realize she was trying to make you laugh about it, you have some humble pie to eat. No slurping, of course! Go to see her, with a great idea for something new and different to do together, explaining you had a moment and apologize. Tell her you love her outspokenness and can’t wait for your next excursion together. Openly speak about your feelings, and she may even admit she should not have compared you to an extinct animal in the first place. If you are lucky, you two will laugh off the incident and continue your relationship.

How to Keep a Sagittarius Woman

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

How to get a Sagittarius woman or man to be yours for good isn’t exactly easy, most especially if you start to bore them. Are Sagittarius men loyal? Yes they are, but there is a catch. They don’t want to feel trapped, owned, or chained to somebody 24/7. They have no issues with separate vacations and won’t have an issue with you pursuing your own interests separate from theirs. One very prolific intellectual Sagittarian woman married an equally prolific Aquarian man. While they did team up for a lot, they both had their own interests separate from each other and loved coming together afterwards to share stories of the amazing things they experienced.

Your Sagittarian dreams of being loved unconditionally and of being loved for life. They just don’t believe in being in relationships that feel suffocating or like life sentences, and they don’t want to be involved with somebody who is codependent. They understand the difference between a partnership and being ruled over, and a Sagittarian refuses to feel owned. Living the kind of life they want to with them and respecting their need for freedom and time to themselves is the way to keep a Sagittarius happy long term.

How to Make a Sagittarius Woman Jealous

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

Is your Sagittarius woman jealous? Not by nature, but like anybody, some things do get to them. Deliberately making a Sagittarius jealous is one way to work on ending the relationship. Some signs will go out of their way to be more possessive when they feel somebody else has your attention, but a Sagittarian will just get angry. While they value freedom, and respect yours, playing games with their emotions is not the way to make them want you more. If your Sagittarius lover is into role playing games with strangers, they may go out of their way to compete with a prospective lover, but in an actual relationship, it’s not a good idea to try and make your Sagittarian jealous.

How to Make a Sagittarius Woman Miss You

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

The Sagittarius woman attitude to the absence of the people she loves is that she will see them on their next adventure together. Sagittarians tend to circle with many different people and have a good time in crowds and large friend groups. They, of course, have their favorite people who they see more often than others, and some Sagittarians take their few favorite people nearly everywhere with them. If you want your Sagittarian to miss you when you are apart, make plans to do something they love together when they return. They will be out doing whatever it is they leave to do but will be looking forward to coming together with you for the amazing things you planned before they left!

The Best Matches for Sagittarius Men and Women

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

Sagittarius people would say they get along with most anybody, except maybe some earth sign people like Virgos and Capricorns who want them to act serious more of the time than they would like to, and that bores them beyond words. Your sun sign doesn’t dictate who you will click with, but for Sagittarians, there are some matches that are usually better than others.

Sagittarius Woman Friendship with Gemini

The attraction between Sagittarius and Gemini people is based on serious fun, the love of variety, and sharing new experiences together. Geminis are an air sign who thus also needs intellectual stimulation and they have interests that are as varied as Sagittarians interests. They are both high energy, they get bored easily, and they are on the same page about spontaneous adventures. They both love exciting, fast paced variety, and intellectual conversation about a variety of topics. This pair and never runs out of fun things to do and great things to talk about.

Sagittarius Woman in Bed with Sagittarius

What could be more fun in the bedroom than a Sagittarius lover? A Sagittarius man and woman making love together! If anybody understands a Sagittarian’s love for trying new things in the bedroom, it’s another Sagittarian! Neither of them is shy, and they have high energy for sex, matching one another’s stamina and desire to explore. A Sagittarius man and woman relationship is based on mutual interests, and it isn’t just all about a Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman sexually connecting. A Sagittarius woman Sagittarius man will be planning adventures and fun outings, not just making love together- although there is likely to be plenty of that too! A Sagittarius man Sagittarius woman romance can be the best combination each other can have!

Sagittarius Woman Marriage to Pisces

A Sagittarius woman Pisces man marriage doesn’t always last. A Sagittarius man Pisces woman marriage can leave the Pisces feeling neglected and not understood emotionally, and the Sagittarius annoyed with their Pisces spouse’s strong emotions. A Sagittarius man Pisces woman in bed can satisfy one another, but when it’s time to agree on a lifestyle, Pisces man and Sagittarius woman compatibility can be low. If a married Sagittarius woman Pisces man couple can compromise, they stand a chance for success. Yet a Pisces woman and Sagittarius man compatibility doesn’t usually end up being strong, unfortunately. However, don’t base deciding who to marry on what an astrologer says. If you are a Pisces who loves a Sagittarian, nobody can decide but the two of you who to marry!

Sagittarius in Other Planets

Loving a Sagittarius Woman or Man

So far, we have explored what people who have their Sun in Sagittarius are like, but what about other planets? How does Sagittarius influence Mercury, the Moon, and Mars specifically?

Mercury in Sagittarius Woman or Man

Mercury in Sagittarius people love to learn about the world and how things work. They may stay in classes, well after graduating, always wanting more intellectual stimulation, and to constantly advance mentally. They may become restless if they feel they are not getting enough intellectual stimulation, but the positive attitude of Sagittarius will keep them cheerful, and always looking for new ways to move forward. They are equally as fun loving and honest as people with their Sun in Sagittarius, but Sagittarius in Mercury makes them lifelong scholars, soaking up every bit of knowledge about their favorite subjects they can

Moon in Sagittarius Woman or Man

A Sagittarius Moon woman is radically independent and a non-conformist. She will be highly adaptable and can also be well…highly irresponsible in some people’s opinions because she will pretty much have a desire to never be told what to do and can be seen as a poor fit for employment unless she can call the shots, doing things her own way. They simply cannot stand to feel confined and will walk away from people and situations they find too constrictive. They have one of the most optimistic attitudes there is and won’t give up if they feel something is worth working towards..

Mars in Sagittarius Woman or Man

Your Mars sign tells you how you work towards goals and move ahead in life. The approach of these individuals is through a passionate drive to expand themselves and seize the day. They set goals and act on them to achieve them. These are not daydreamers who sigh wistfully, believing they can NEVER accomplish what they want. They are doers who see no limitations to what they can accomplish, and don’t allow obstacles to hold them back from going out and doing whatever it is they want to do. They can be restless and constantly on the move, seeking to improve and gain more experiences. They are men and women of action and are not afraid to take risks that many other people wouldn’t dare to try.

If you love a Sagittarian, whether you are their friend, lover, or spouse, there will never be a dull moment when they are around. They will keep things fun, lighthearted, and life will be such an exciting adventure with them, you will wonder how you ever got by without them!

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