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Sagittarius and Cancer Relationships Compatibility

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
January 16, 2022
Sagittarius and Cancer Relationships Compatibility
Sagittarius and Cancer Relationships Compatibility
TL;DRTraits of a Cancer man or woman make them not only who they are, but it decides Cancer’s compatibility and who should a Cancer date. What is Cancer Sagittarius compatibility like and can they make friendships, romances, and long term relationships work? What happens when a Cancer is hurt and why are Cancers so sensitive anyways? What does it mean if you have Mars in Cancer and what is a Sagittarius with a Cancer Moon like?

Some astrologers will showcase all the things that can go wrong for Cancer and Sagittarius couples, and indeed sensitive Cancers sometimes find Sagittarian’s bluntness off putting. However, both of these signs love an adventure, and can be completely devoted to who they are involved with. The Cancer sign in bed may or may not set the sheets on fire with a Sagittarian, but then again, there is more to relationships with sex, even for a Sagittarian. Is a Cancer and Sagittarius compatible in love and friendships or is it the war to end all wars from start to finish? The answer may surprise you, pleasantly so!

About the Cancer Star Sign

Cancer Star Sign

A Cancerian woman or man may charm you with how sympathetic and understanding they can be, and make you want them to be by your side forever. The Cancer man next door will check up on you when you haven’t been feeling well and offer to bring you groceries and water your garden if you need him to. Male Cancer traits include him being a great listener and somebody who has good solutions to soothe your troubled mind. Cancer sign traits, male or female include that they will have great ideas to improve things around the job or the house, and they know just what to do to make you feel right at home when you are visiting.

The Cancer love sign is one many flock to be with because they seem to understand just how you are feeling before you have even expressed it, and they immediately run to your side when you feel wronged or even if you have just had a bad day. They are often the first people to step in to right an injustice and they will take up for you before you even realize you needed them to. Cancer sign relationships are often long-lasting ones as they will stand by the people they love and a Cancer sign man or woman has no issue telling you they love you several times a day.

These may seem like the perfect people and that the Cancer love sign compatibility is perfect for everybody and that Cancers get along with all individuals of all zodiac signs. Indeed, your astrological sign is just one thing that determines who you fall in love with and forge strong friendships with. Not all Cancer people are in relationships with people of all the same zodiac signs, however, and Cancer people are no more perfect than people of any other sign. They tend to have certain habits that can grate on other people’s nerves, but sometimes, it’s just a matter of understanding your Cancer and knowing how to handle them in their bad moments.

To learn more about Cancers, read here: Cancer Star Sign Compatibility.

When a Cancer Woman is Mad at You

Cancer Woman

When a Cancer gets angry, you can normally tell in one of two ways. #1- he or she will talk about it. This can go two different ways, however, and in the best-case scenario, your Cancer will have a heart-to-heart discussion about whatever is bothering them. #2- A moody Cancer man or woman who is upset might literally pitch a fit and leave you wondering if this is the Cancer who you know and love or if it’s somebody else who is upset. Your Cancer will reassure you that you absolutely deserve the tongue lashing they are giving you but be aware that maybe you do and you own them an apology. They will happily accept your contrite apology and allow you to make it up to them.

Hurting a Cancer man or woman is definitely not something you’d want to do after all the love and work they invested into your relationship. If your Cancer is in the wrong, discuss it rationally with them. You may have to wait for them to cool off a bit if they are especially upset, but your Cancer’s focus in your relationship is just that- the relationship itself. They will see the light and amend their ways. Before you know it, you and your Cancer will have made up, and you will be planning your next fun thing to do together.

When a Cancer woman pulls away, however, you may be waiting until she is ready to talk again. Simply reassure her that you will listen without judgement when she is ready to talk and your priority is working through whatever has caused her to step back from you. Cancer people have very delicate feelings, and none of us are perfect. You may unintentionally upset your Cancer, but the chances of fixing whatever the problem is are very high when a Cancer loves you. Be patient and emotionally available for the Cancer you love and she will probably open up to you very soon. Who is a Cancer if not somebody who is very important to you after all?

Signs a Cancer Man Misses You

Cancer Man

Your Cancer will reach out to you either calling, texting, or coming by, and if he lives a long way from you, he will start planning a visit when he misses you. The one who is most compatible with a Cancer is someone they want to see on a regular basis, and literally spend their lives with. Cancer people may have a small, intimate friend circle as opposed to a slew of friendly acquaintances, but those friends are extremely important to them. Cancers don’t like to be in the position that they have to miss you, and when that happens, they will do everything in their power to see you as soon as possible.

Why Are Cancers Always Alone?

Cancer Man Smiling

Cancers don’t typically isolate for their entire lives, but they are usually not built for large crowds or relationships that are just all on the surface. It’s very important to them to build strong personal relationships, and they do that with people they trust and feel comfortable being completely themselves with. That means they involve themselves with people they can trust to keep secrets and who they feel their feelings are safe with. A Cancer will typically take some alone time, enjoying the peace of solitude, and spend time in quiet reflection meditating, reading, journaling, or just relaxing. They may be less social than social butterfly Geminis tend to be, but Cancers spend just the right amount of time with the people they love, balancing it with their personal alone time to suit their individual needs.

Why Are Cancers So Emotional?

Cancer Woman Emotional

Ruled by the Moon, which is in charge of emotions, Cancers are also a water sign. Along with Pisces and Scorpios, Cancer water signs can be highly adaptable, extremely intuitive, very sensitive, and empathic as well. Water can make them creative also, and Cancers are highly persuasive people who love to help out. They make excellent salespeople, hospitality workers, make excellent teachers and are hardworking enough to excel as fair, and thorough administrators. Dealing with their sensitive feelings is a small price to pay for being lucky enough to be loved by an amazing Cancer who has all these great skills and talents and be a part of their lives.

What Happens When You Ignore a Cancer Man?

Cancer Man

If you want to hurt your Cancer, or make them worry the relationship isn’t stable, ignore them. Sometimes, your Cancer might behave a bit neurotically about something and go on a tangent, fussing long and loud about it. This should not be ignored, because the last thing you want to do is make them believe you are invalidating their feelings, but it should not be dwelled upon when they express that they realize they were going on too much about whatever it is that aggravated them, and it should be moved on from. Cancers won’t ignore the people they care about, so they don’t expect to be ignored by the people they have relationships with either.

Who is Compatible with Cancer?

Cancer Star Sign

What is the best zodiac match for Cancer people? Cancer’s best and worst matches actually vary. Some guides would insist a Cancer never be paired with a Gemini, but intellectual Geminis sometimes intrigue Cancers, who love to learn, and these two signs can have great intellectual conversations. What is Cancer’s best love match and what is Cancer’s best match for marriage? What kind of women do Cancer men like and what kind of person will make a Cancer woman fall in love? The top matches for Cancers are said to be fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces or Earth signs Taurus and Capricorns. Mysticsense will explore the relationships between Cancers and these signs in future articles, so check back with us to read about that!

The truth is, each Cancer individual is just that- an individual- and while astrology may state all Cancers love all Pisces people and don’t get along with Aries people, no two Cancerians are exactly alike. The sign match we will be exploring in this article is the Sagittarius and Cancer match. Sagittarius and Cancer love compatibility is typically pretty high, and these two can make amazing lovers, great friends and excellent teammates on the job as well. Sagittarius and Cancer love relationships are said by some astrologers to not be too great because Sagittarians express their unflattering opinions in blunt ways that can upset Cancers, but Capricorns can also be guilty of this and it doesn’t keep them away from their Cancerian loved ones.

The Cancer and Sagittarius Relationship

Cancer and Sagittarius Relationship

Do Sagittarius and Cancers get along? Sagittarius and Cancers compatibility can be surprisingly high with both these signs loving fun, new experiences and enjoying laughter together. A Sagittarian woman and Cancer man will enjoy going on adventures together, trying new foods and traveling places neither of them have been before. Cancers need security and Sagittarians need independence and to feel the freedom to come and go as they want to. If this is so, does a Sagittarius get along with Cancer people? They absolutely can because a Sagittarius man in love with a Cancer woman will either take his Cancer along on his spontaneous trips, or he will be given the freedom to take those trips by his Cancer and they will talk all about it all once he returns to her side.

Why do Sagittarians like Cancers seeing how different they can be? A Sagittarius woman with a Cancer man will find they compliment each other, and for some couples, balancing their differences can mean bringing things out in one another they didn’t know existed. A Cancer will be a great planner and organizer, and a Sagittarian can come up with new, exciting things for them to do together. A Cancer male Sagittarius female relationship can see him helping her plan and save for the next big thing, as you know Sagittarians are all about doing things their way on a grand scale. With all the Sagittarian charisma and brilliance, a bit of planning on their part can dazzle everybody, exceeding all expectations of greatness.

A Cancer man and Sagittarius woman will act as cheerleaders for one another, her coaxing him out of being shy to take more risks and reap the rewards of doing new things, and him encouraging her to dream bigger than just living for the day, and plan well for their bright future together. Cancer man Sagittarius woman compatibility serves these two well as friends, close family members, lovers, significant others, soul mates, and as work partners. Their differences, when combined harmoniously creates a dynamic team that creates impressive opportunities and unforgettable experiences for one another.

Sagittarius Friendship with Cancer

Sagittarius Friendship with Cancer

Are Sagittarius and Cancers compatible as friends? A Cancer with Sagittarius friendship can seem like a contradiction. You have jovial Sagittarians who seem to bounce through life, laughing, taking little if anything seriously, and doling out most every opinion they have without filtering themselves. On the other hand, you have sensitive Cancers whose goal is to make the world a better place and indulging on the latest sob story with a box of tissues. How can these two come together to do anything but a Cancer vs Sagittarius fight?

A Cancer Sagittarius relationship works extremely well, with Sagittarius helping Cancers to lighten up and look on the bright side, remembering to be optimistic, while Cancers appreciate the happy outlook. Cancer and Sagittarius relationship compatibility is also good because the planner in Cancers can help Sagittarius people do the “boring” things they need to do in order to bring one of their great, exciting, spontaneous ideas to life. How can you build the biggest backyard hot air balloon unless you learn how to first? Cancers can also help their Sagittarian feel watched over, fussed over, and nurtured.

However, a Sagittarius Cancer relationship can also be a disaster. Sagittarius vs Cancer tact is entirely different. A Sagittarius may not understand how to delicately say things and it can break a Cancers heart. Some Sagittarians state they won’t “sugarcoat the truth” and some Cancers find this approach to be insensitive and vulgar. However, as much as Cancerians love to laugh, blunt, hilarious Sagittarian “keeping it real” dialogue can be considered refreshing and genuine to some Cancer and Sagittarian friendship can be fun, lighthearted, and long lasting.

Cancer and Sagittarius in Bed

Cancer and Sagittarius in Bed

While no two Cancers enjoy all the same things sexually any more than two Sagittarians will, these two signs can hit it off in the bedroom. A Sagittarius man in bed with his Cancer woman can bring all the fun, and excitement he brings in day to day life, and a Cancer will be emotionally invested enough to be comfortable trying new things with their Sagittarian lover. A Sagittarius man and Cancer woman in bed can also clash, however. If Cancer doesn’t want to experiment, and makes Sagittarius feel trapped in boring lovemaking, the relationship can be headed for disaster. Sagittarians are very in touch with their sexuality and being intimate with their partner is very important to them.

A Cancer man and Sagittarius woman in bed can also hate the experience. If the Cancerian feels their Sagittarian isn’t invested in the relationship, or somehow isn’t emotionally available, it can be impossible for them to make it to the bedroom in the first place. Cancer Sagittarius compatibility in bed can also be poor if the Sagittarian feels their Cancer is trying to confine them to a boring relationship, and it can end their union entirely.

Famous Cancer Sagittarius Couples

Cancer Sagittarius Couple

Some Cancer and Sagittarius celebrity couples are well-known and respected for the longevity of their relationships. New York Film Critics online Award winning actor and Cancerian Alessandro Nivola married Director, Screenwriter, and actress Emily Mortimer who is a Sagittarian in 2003. Happy together with two children who are also getting into acting, this couple answers the question “Can a Sagittarius date a Cancer?” with a resounding yes, and they can be happily married also! Cancerian Tom Hanks divorced his Sagittarius wife, however, and married Scorpio Rita Wilson the following year. A Cancer Male Sagittarius female marriage can thrive or end, depending on the individuals who marry one another.

Sun in Sagittarius Moon in Cancer

Sun in Sagittarius Moon

A Cancer Moon Sagittarius Sun combination brings all the best of both signs together to create an energetic, fun loving, adventurous individual who is also flexible, imaginative, a quick learner, and somebody who can be said to “carry their home on their back” wherever they go. Curious and interested in exploring and experiencing new things, these people still need their creature comforts and would do well to invest in a motorhome or convert a school bus into their house on wheels and take it along when they go out to see the world!

Highly adaptable, these people can also overthink things and are wistful daydreamers. It’s okay to daydream, however, as great plans are born in the minds of creative people, and Sagittarians with a Moon in Cancer certainly don’t lack creativity at all. The Cancer Moon will help make these Sagittarians planners and thinkers who look before they leap, but be assured, they WILL leap, once they plan everything out and feel prepared. These people make excellent traveling salespersons, cross country drivers, and flight attendants or pilots.

The Mars in Cancer Man or Woman


Your Mars sign tells you how you act, how your temper is, and how you defend yourself. With Mars in Cancer, you don’t like a direct confrontation and will plan things carefully before taking action. You tend to defend yourself as opposed to attacking a foe and learning to curb emotional knee jerk reactions to things that upset you will be a personal goal for self-improvement. A Mars in Cancer man in bed might be too upset about how his lover spoke to him to make love, and relies on establishing feelings with a partner who cares deeply for him for relationships. It is said these people are amazing lovers, however, once hey feel secure in a relationship with somebody they fully trust, so keep that Mars in Cancer man or woman happy for fireworks in the bedroom!

While some Cancers prefer to be with a more predictable Taurus or Pisces, others fall head over heels for a hilarious Sagittarian for an unscripted life of excitement and fun. Loving a Sagittarian can be a new adventure every day, filled with exotic experiences, and a lot of great exploits to look forward to. If you are a Sagittarian who a Cancer loves, you are one lucky person indeed because your Cancer will stand by you, help plan events and escapades, and be so proud of the life you build together, you won’t ever want to be without them!

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