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Sacred Numbers

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 19, 2021
Sacred Numbers
Sacred Numbers
TL;DRWhat Are Sacred Numbers? When is a number just a number, and when does it mean something more? Some people believe numbers are messages from the divine, the ancestors, or energies that create reality. Learn about some sacred and lucky numbers and how you can use their power in your own life with Mysticsense.

Have you ever noticed how many people have lucky numbers or talk about seeing the same number combination like 2 and 8 together all the time? Some say a number is just that, a number, but others claim it’s not coincidence. Some see numbers as having divine significance, and others see them as foretelling events or telling you about your life path. What do people have to say about the sacredness of numbers and how can you use their power in your life?

Sacred Numbers to The Hebrews and Christians

Sacred Numbers to The Hebrews and Christians

The ancient Hebrews influenced the modern Jewish faith and modern Christianity. Their beliefs in the meaning of numbers may not be embraced by everybody they influenced, but their meanings are not lost. They believed every letter had a corresponding number, and each number had specific meaning. Devotees of mystical Kabbalah developed this and it is said they were influenced by the Greeks, like Pythagoras, who believed there was spiritual significance in numbers.

 For example, the number 40 appears in the Old Testament of the Bible many times. Jesus was tested for 40 days in the desert, it rained 40 days and 40 nights upon Noah and his people, and it took the Hebrews 40 years to reach the promised land. Some say that number means transformation and ordeals, while others insist that number communicates something happened for a long time, and not necessarily exactly 40 days, nights, or years.

Besides specific numbers appearing many times to communicate scared meaning, the use of numbers to correspond to other things is important. For example, the second Hebrew letter is Beht which corresponds to the number two. It expresses the duality of creation and the Hebrew god’s desire to expand that creation. The symbol looks like a house, and various meanings include family, house, and on the negative side can mean division. Interestingly enough, you don’t have to study Kabbalah or even be Jewish to learn about this.

The practice is called Gematria and it’s at least as old as the 8th century BCE when King Sargon II of Assyria had his name ascribed using the system. The Babylonians and Greeks used it, and people today use it as well. There are online Gematria calculators that will give a numeric value of any word or phrase you would like, but without knowledge of what those numbers mean, it’s useless. Your local Kabbalah center can help you learn more about this, or you can seek the answers in mystical ceremonial magic circles.

Sacred Numbers in Ceremonial Magic

Sacred Numbers in Ceremonial Magic

Devotees of many ceremonial magic organizations agree with Kabbalah teachings that numbers are sacred. One ceremonial magician in particular had a very different take on one particular number some assume means evil. The number 666 in Aleister Crowley’s magical tradition known as Thelema means good things. As written by Frater Aurora Aureae in his publication Thelemic Numbers and Words, 666 is the “Most Holy Number of the Sun. It is symbolized by the letter Shin…Shin is the letter of Path 31 on the Tree of Life…666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of Concealed Glory.” Aleister Corwley, founder of Thelema was once asked about it and said “It means merely sunlight. You may call me Little Sunshine.” It is also considered to be the numeric value of the name of Jesus.

The number 666 was Crowley’s personal number, and 666 was the number of an exhibit item in the Cairo Museum called the Stele of Revealing. This was created for priest and shows him giving offerings to Ra-Harakhty, a combination of the gods Ra and Horus, and the goddess Nut is also depicted as well as the winged solar disc of the god Horus. Crowley said seeing this stele ushered in the Aeon of Horus, a new sacred time when Thelema would come forward, teaching self realization, love, the pursuit of one’s True Will. This Stele depicted main deities in this belief system and was seen as very sacred to Thelemites.

More about Thelemic scared numbers can be read here: Thelemic Numbers and Words (

What Does Seeing 777 Mean?


Do an internet search and things like “angel777” or “Alex 777” will turn up. Another of the scared numbers, 777 means many beautiful things. The number 7 was considered a perfect number in Judaism, and Noah’s father lived for 777 years. To some Christians, 777 corresponds to the perfection of the Holy Trinity. While not every Christian denomination believes in its existence, the Holy Trinity is a three-fold form the god they worship takes. The forms are as father creator god, Son of that god, or Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, or the divine spirit which is both of them, and unites them together.

Seeing 777 means that god is watching over you and is speaking to you. If you see 777 a lot, it can also mean you are in perfect harmony with the Universe and your life is aligned with your higher power. Some believe seeing 777 means angels are watching over you and coming to your aid, and still others believe 777 means you are on the correct life path. Still others insist seeing 777 means you have achieved spiritual perfection and purity.

What Does 666 Mean?


If you aren’t a Thelemite, the number 666 might scare you. It is believed by some to symbolize the Devil, and all things evil. It has been used as a symbol in horror films, and some young adults who want to scare their parents or assert their rebelliousness will use the number on clothing. Interestingly, the reason given for the number to be viewed as evil is because the number six, which is repeated twice falls short one of the perfect number seven.. Interestingly enough, the number of the Beast in early Biblical sources was not 666, but 616.

The place it is used to denote the great Beast is in the Book of Revelations, but there are two Beasts, neither of which are the Dragon, or the one in power. Furthermore, if mathematics are used the number 666 is the numeric value of the Emperor Nero, who early Christian writer Tertullian states was the first persecutor of Christians. Augustine of Hippo wrote many Christians believed Nero was the Anti-Christ and the Sibylline Oracle writings stated many Christians believed after Nero’s death he would return as the Anti-Christ.

Some are so terrified of the number 666, that homes on streets next to 665 may be 667, and some people deliberately avoid anything with three sixes on it. Unless you are in ancient Rome being attacked by Nero, however, you may not need to be afraid of the number 666, however.

Lucky Numbers

Some would say a sacred number is nothing more than a number that actually brings good things, and they prefer to refer to them as “lucky numbers”. While we each have our very own special numbers, it is believed that some numbers are in, and of themselves lucky and special, and can aid anybody, no matter who they are.

Lucky Number 3

Sacred Numbers

The number three is considered lucky by many people. Pythagoras said it was the first true number, and some state it’s lucky because it’s the first number that forms a shape, or a triangle. Three represents things that together create all things. Past, present, and future, and then the beginning, middle, and end for example. The three ages of woman are maiden, mother, and crone, and goddesses like the Morrigan were in threes. Three is the number of Papa Legba, the Vodun Loa of the Crossroads who opens communication with all other spirits, and when he is called, it is done three times. His Santaria form is names Elegua, and he is given the keys to the past, present, and future.

Lucky Number 7

Lucky Number 7

The Biblical number of perfection, seven is considered lucky by more than just the devotees of Christianity or Judaism. It is believed by many that of you carry the number seven you will experience an increase in good luck, more confidence, and you will find yourself in the right places at the right times more often. The ancient Chinese believed the number seven represented both Yin and yang, and that made it a very lucky number. Muslims believe in seven heavens and walk about Kaaba seven times on their pilgrimage to Mecca. In the book of Genesis, their god created the World in six days, and rested in the seventh, dubbing it the Sabbath and calling it holy.

Lucky Number 13

Lucky Number 13

Another number believed to be lucky by many is the number thirteen. To Wiccans, the number thirteen is the perfect number of people to be in Circle, or magical sacred gatherings with them, and the thirteenth person represents their father god. Prior to WWI, the number thirteen was considered lucky and was used as a symbol on good luck charms in France. In Italy, to “make thirteen” means you win big or make a “jackpot!” While some fear thirteen, most especially a Friday the 13th, others insist they have some of their very best luck on a Friday the 13th . To the Chinese, 13 signifies growth and is thus very lucky indeed!

Numbers Coinciding with Dates

Sacred Numbers

Repetitions in numbers that coincide with dates can communicate messages from the divine as well. In one family, there were five daughters. One died on the 14th of November after being ill for many years. Three years later, her sister also died on November 14th. Interestingly, the second sister who died last was the one a niece had been named after, and that niece gave birth to a daughter on the day the aunt she was named after died. Some of the family members believed the first sister’s spirit came to meet her sister at death and take her to the other side, and other family members believe the second sister, who the niece was named after may have reincarnated into the niece’s daughter that day.

Many other people see patterns in recurring dates in other forms. Some find that on certain days they have better luck. December 21, the Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere is when many see new beginnings, as well as October 31, which coincides with Halloween, and some celebrate a high day called Samhain then. Others see new beginnings on their own birthdays, and some insist luckiest days are different depending on zodiac sign with Libra’s luckiest days being on Fridays, for example, because Venus, which rules Libra also rules Fridays.

Sacred Years

Some people believe the number a year takes on will influence what the year brings for everybody. In some cases it’s considered true, but in other cases, some have found themselves disappointed.

The Year 2000 CE

Sacred Numbers

There were dozens of doomsday cult prophecies that the World would end in the year 2000 C.E. Obviously the World didn’t, but for various reasons, some people believed it would. Y2K as it was called by some was supposed to see a crash in all technology systems worldwide, and savvy tech professionals averted that with work in their industries to foresee a seamless change in technology.

However, many saw this year as the year the Biblical Armageddon foretold in the Book of Revelations would occur. It was predicted that 2000, when worked out mathematically somehow totaled the number 666, which some consider to be the number of the devil, or Anti-Christ. Others insisted that instead of the Armageddon, Jesus would come again in glory to take his followers to heaven, and still more stated a Rapture, where Jesus took ONLY his chosen people would occur, and then Satan would begin battle on Earth.

Worldwide, plenty of people did die in the year 2000, but slews didn’t simply vanish, body and soul, as the Rapture believers state will occur. Other doomsday cults believed these events would occur in the year 1000 C.E, and in the 1980’s. One William Cooper predicted that secret chambers of the pyramids at Giza would open in 2000 and Satan would become widely known. It was also predicted that in 2000 by a Rebecca Harrison that Jesus would return in 2000 and in 2004 Armageddon would begin. Sun Magazine stated the Pope said that on December 25, Christmas Day in 2000, Jesus would appear in the sky over New York City and found a 1000 year paradise on Earth.

Seeing that it’s been 21 years since these prophecies have come to pass and the Moon has not turned to blood, and the sky has not rolled up like a scroll with horrible battles for human souls and Creation itself, perhaps we can rest assures the prophecies about the year 2000 beginning end times simply aren’t true. Furthermore, for believers that the second coming of Jesus will come to pass, read this Biblical passage that explains when it will happen in the book of Matthew 24:36. “ But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”

The Year 2012 CE

Year 2012 CE

Because the Mesoamerican long calendar system that was available ended in 2012 C.E., some feared it would be the end of the world! However, it has been explained that the Mayans just drew up another calendar to go into what they believe to be a new era. They believed three worlds had been created and destroyed, and by 2012, we had been living in a fourth world that was created in August 11, 3114 BCE. Some experts say 2012 was not prophesized as a time of fear and destruction, but as a time to celebrate because it would begin a new time, and people could look forward to new beginnings in good ways.

However, as sometimes, we fear the unknown, many modern people wrote extensively about all the terrible things we should fear from 2012. For example, some insisted there would be an alignment with the Sun and a black hole which would create unspeakable destruction which thankfully never happened. Other theories stated things like a planet colliding with Earth, massive star explosions, alien invasions, and gravity changes on Earth would destroy us or make life here unbearable. Thankfully, none of this happened either.

However, the theory 2012 would create a time of change for the better could be true. In 2012, India was removed from the list of Nations affected by polio because vaccinations helped lower the risk so much. The Encyclopedia Britannica announced no longer needing to create hard copy encyclopedias which means less use of trees and energy to produce books, signaling greater reliance on digital information. Barack Obama was voted in as the first President who was a person of color of the United States signaling major changes in society. All good things!

The Sacred Number 0

Sacred Number 0

Much can be said about each individual number and their meanings, but not enough has been said about the sacred significance of the number zero. Some people see no value in zero because it’s considered to be nothing, yet that’s where its value lies. In nothingness lies the potential for all things. Before you can take the first step, you have to have the potential to begin. Zero is the space where the ideas to start new things are formed and where having faith in the ability to do so resides.

The Fool tarot card illustrates this beautifully. Classic imagery shows the Fool embarking on a journey with only a small bundle of belongings. He is accompanied by a dog, sometimes shown pulling down his pants, revealing his bare backside, symbolizing his imperfections and weaknesses. He is scattering his seeds to the wind, symbolizing blind faith and lack of planning, and it appears he is about to walk off a cliff. Yet the Fool looks confident and is sure of success on his journey. He is making a major leap of faith on this new endeavor and is not worried about failure.

The sacredness in this mindset is believing in your ability to embrace change and begin new things, aware you cannot control everything, and content to take the tools given to you and create something out of nothing with them. This very important step is the beginning of all things, and it has to come before any progress. Zero is a very sacred number indeed!



Beyond the scared use of numbers in systems like Gematria and in Ceremonial Magic, the system of numerology is a very popular one people from any belief system can use. The method is to take the digits of date of birth and add them all together until you have one single digit, and this is your personal numerology number. For example, somebody born September 26, 1975 will do the following. Add 9+2+6+1+9+7+5 and you get 39. Add 3+9 to get 12. Then to get a single digit, add 1+2=3. This number 3 means you are creative and thrive in busy, social environments. You are fun loving and an excellent communicator. You will use these strengths well in your career and personal life.

To learn more about numerology, read here: Practical Numerology And How To Use It In Daily Life

What Do Sacred Numbers Mean To Me?

Sacred Numbers Meaning

Being aware of the patterns that numbers take can open you to messages from the powers that be and keep you aware of what is about to happen. Knowing your own personal and lucky numbers can help you to harness their power and give you greater self-awareness. Sometimes, a number is just a number, but sometimes, numbers hold mystical truths we should be aware of!

We want to hear from you! What do numbers mean to you? Does seeing your personal lucky or sacred numbers signal messages you are thankful for? Has seeing patterns of numbers led you down a good path? What are your personal sacred and lucky numbers?

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