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Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
October 31, 2022
Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions
Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

Have you ever wondered what the different flight patterns, songs and behaviors of birds mean in a spiritual sense? Do birds seek our attention to send us a message or are they simply a sign that the universe is looking out for us? Read this article if you are interested to know what it means when birds sit on your window sill, enter your house, fly in circles and much more. Learn to pick up on the signs when the universe provides them and better connect with the forces from above.

What do Birds Mean Spiritually?

Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

Throughout the world and across many different cultures, birds hold a deep, spiritual meaning and are revered for their ethereal, transient nature. Most of us see birds everyday, yet rarely are we able to get close to them. They flutter about at dawn and dusk, voicing the most beautiful songs that we can only dream of understanding. Throughout history, birds have played an integral role in various forms of art, from the rich symbolism in fairy tales to their haunting reminder of our own mortality in paintings. As such, the meanings of different birds, and more importantly, the different behaviors exhibited by these winged creatures, varies wildly from immortality, fortune, death and so much more. In fact, a big reason why birds are seen to be symbolic of life and death is due to their position in between heaven and earth. Depending on how a bird’s visitation feels to us, we can perceive them as a beacon of hope or a dreaded warning. Whatever it may be, we cannot deny the majesty and beauty of these creatures.

Bird in My House Meaning

Birds and humans live side-by-side, but are worlds apart. While we are familiar living in oppressive, man-made structures, a bird’s habitat is fully immersed in the beauty of nature. As such, when a bird enters our home through an open door or window, we see an unexpected blending of two vastly different worlds. Our initial reaction may be one of shock or panic as this bird flies wildly through the still house, but the message the bird is bringing is actually quite clear. Superstition has it that when a bird enters your home, it is bringing important news. This news may be good, bad or even neutral, but it is important nonetheless. In fact, some people go as far as to believe that the color of the bird influences the type of information being brought; if the bird is white, it is proposed that the news may be on an upcoming pregnancy in the family, but if the bird is black, some say that this is a sign of a death arriving soon. If a bird hits your window and dies, some believe this to be a sign of a narrowly avoided near-death experience. With all that said though, if a black bird enters your home, don’t take this as a sure sign that you will lose someone close to you. Superstitions are a way that generations prior made sense of the world by assigning symbolism to mundane happenings. If a bird enters your home but you don’t feel that it bears much significance, you are probably just right. 

Bird on Window Sill Meaning

Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

If a bird is seen perching on your windowsill, this can be a sign that there are important messages and lines of communication heading your way. Unlike the powerful, attention-grabbing signal provided by a bird that flies directly into your house, a bird resting calmly by your window is far easier to miss. However, if it lingers for a while, superstition states that the divine higher powers are alerting you to listen up. The message is believed to involve how we communicate with others, how we receive information around us and even the more mundane aspects like remembering to check our emails. As a windowsill is typically very narrow, it is believed that this superstition arose from the belief that we can fall off our game pretty quickly if we don’t stay on top of things. Speaking carelessly, talking behind others’ backs and being disorganized in our digital communications are all ways that we can ‘fall off the windowsill’ ourselves. As the visiting bird stands tall and proud on this thin ledge, it serves as a reminder that we, too, can carefully stand on the edge. While the message from a bird on a windowsill is more subtle, it is still a sign of caution that we ought to pay attention to.

Birds Chirping at Night Meaning

It is believed that when a bird is chirping at night, it is trying to get the attention of a person who is ignoring their calls during the day. Often, the hustle and bustle of the waking world can make spotting signs provided by our environment pretty difficult, so birds will opt to deliver their message in the stillness of the night for a better chance of making themselves heard. The time at which birds chirp at night is also significant and must be taken into account. For instance, chirping at 1am is an indication from the universe that major changes are waiting right ahead. These changes can be anything from the arrival of a new family member, a love interest or a new job on its way. Whatever the recipient likens this midnight message to be, is likely to be exactly what it is about. Next, a 2am message is calling you to notice the changing situation that is occurring around you presently. The recipient may be blind to how quick their current position is evolving, and therefore needs reminding that everything is progressing as it should. Lastly, chirping at 3am is a message from the universe that the recipient can relax, that the transition is over and the hard times they’ve been through are coming to an end now. This message is the most comforting of them all.

Birds Flying in Circles Meaning

Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

When birds fly in circles, it is sure to attract a lot of attention regardless of whether we are superstitious or not. However, for those who do believe in messages from the divine, witnessing birds flying in this formation is a sign to be more open with the world. This may mean being more transparent with friends, family and strangers alike, or even letting in guidance from above. Put simply, we all need help and support from time to time, so letting in this help and allowing it to guide you is incredibly important. With this in mind, seeing a single bird flying in a circle may represent a person feeling like they are using all of their energy to battle the various obstacles thrown their way. If you see this, remember that bad times don't last forever and teaming up with others is the quickest way to combat life’s difficulties. 

Birds on the Roof Meaning

Birds sitting on your roof symbolizes protection and shielding. This may even be a message from a departed loved one, who is coming back to visit this plane and provide comfort. Whoever the message may be from, you can be sure that it is encouraging the recipient to lessen their anxiety and place their faith in the universe. The universe explains to the recipient that the home is our sanctuary and safe space, so when between your own four walls, you can be sure that you have nothing to fear. 

What Does it Mean if a Bird Lands on You?

When a bird lands directly on you, this may be a sign that someone in your life has ill-intentions and can’t be trusted. If not this, it may be a sign that you are becoming closer with someone who doesn’t have your interests at heart, and that now is the moment you need to start pulling away. On the other hand, some believe that a bird landing on you is a message to let go of negative thoughts and ruminations, as they only serve to weigh you down and dull your spirit. The key thing to remember with these superstitions is that the visceral reaction you get when the message arrives is usually an indicator about what is trying to be said to you. Use your gut!

Symbolism of Crows 

Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

The link between crows and mortality has existed for centuries, giving the bird an incredibly ominous aura. Even a group of crows is referred to as a ‘murder’ and their presence in art, media and television is suggestive of danger lingering in the air. It's likely that crows earned this reputation as they are predatory animals who scavenge and hunt smaller birds. Even when it comes to humans, crows have a confidence about them that makes them fairly intimidating - they are known to swoop and dive on people when they feel their habitat is under threat. So, all in all, it's obvious how crows became associated with death and danger, but what do their other patterns of behavior suggest in a spiritual sense?

Crows Cawing at Night Meaning

Crows cawing at night is a sign that something negative is going to occur imminently. For those who are more spiritually inclined, it may be beneficial to cast protective spells or begin psychic shielding. It’s unfortunate that the crows can’t tell us exactly what the issue is going to be, but there is absolutely no harm in preparing yourself and putting protective measures in place.

Crows Cawing in the Morning Meaning

Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

When crows caw in the morning, it is a sign that we need to wake up to the spiritual signs delivered by the universe in our day-to-day lives. These signs are easily missed, but if we step into our days with the intention of spotting them, we are going to be far more receptive as a result. As such, crows cawing in the morning are often taken as a sign to look to higher powers when making big life changes such as a career redirection or a potential breakup. Ultimately, the universe knows what’s best for us so making sure to slow down, listen to the signals and make our judgements based on these is a good thing to do.

Crows at a Funeral Meaning

In some cultures, crows have positive associations. While it’s a pretty universal belief across the world that crows are symbolic of death, many cultures view death in a positive light, and crows as a result also. As such, when crows visit funerals, many people believe that this is a sign that their deceased loved one is being helped across into the afterlife. In fact, for Tibetans, they believe this so ardently that a common funeral ritual involves placing the corpse on top of an altar. By exposing the body to the elements, it allows crows to feast on the remains and hasten the soul’s arrival to the other side. 

Crows Circling Meaning

Bird Spiritual Meanings and Superstitions

When crows circle around you overhead, it may be symbolic of needing an objective perspective on a situation troubling the recipient. Almost all of us are guilty of viewing things through tunnel vision and failing to imagine an alternative view. That's why crows circle ahead, reminding us that instead of simply looking down, we need to look up, forwards and around us. Viewing such a phenomenon is also likely to stop a recipient in their tracks. By doing so, it is symbolic of a person’s need to stop and look more broadly at their situation, assessing where they can make beneficial changes and visualizing an alternative route forward.

Do you still want to know more about different bird superstitions? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about bird superstitions at Mysticsense today!

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