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Can We Make Our Own Luck?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
May 31, 2023
Can We Make Our Own Luck?
Can We Make Our Own Luck?

Have you ever gone through a bad time and chalked it up to bad luck that you had no control over? Have you worried that negative entities are holding you back from love, and you will be waiting for someone to love forever? Creating your own luck can help, alongside looking into decisions around luck with charms and manifestations within your life.

A lot of people talk about luck. “It’s my lucky day today!” some will say when they win something and “I’m having bad luck” when something doesn’t go their way. It’s rare for some one to say “I make my own reality.” Some people say they believe we are all connected to everything there ishowever, one thing we are more connected to than anything else is the decisions we make. How much of what happens to us is luck, and how much is based on the things we do? Can we manifest our reality and who can help us to change our luck? 

Luck or Decisions?

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

The meaning of natural luck is that good or bad experiences happen for improbable reasons that have nothing to do with us. Some believe a god, goddess, or spirit like an angel on earth smiles upon us or smites us according to their will. The very word luck comes from references to the Roman goddess Forutuna who could make people miserable or happy according to her will. While some felt she was fickle and favored or harmed people blindly. Not everybody in the ancient world believed there were no consequences for our actions or that we had no control over things that happen to us. 

The word luck came from low German and replaced an English word that meant probability based on deeds such as karma. However, many see luck as being either good or bad, being strictly by chance, and being dictated from some sort of higher power.? If you are waiting on something to fall into your lap and bless you with prosperity, rather than working towards it yourself, then this could be the problem. If you don't work towards abundance for yourself, then you are squandering your efforts towards your goals. Rising inflation, the weather, and other people’s greed are all things we have no control over. However, if you go out in a tornado, is it a god’s fault if you are in an accident? If you stay at a job where you are underpaid and unappreciated instead of taking a better job, is some spirit holding you back, or is it your own refusal to change jobs?

It can be scary and disheartening to want things in life and fall short of those things every time you try to achieve them Plus, you may know stories of people whose careers or relationships ended in tragedy. It is true that catastrophes strike, and we may feel like our lives are over. Breakup and divorce, an end of a meaningful friendship, or the death of a loved one may flip our world upside down and we may wonder if we can ever pick up the pieces and go on living. We may fear we are destined for bad luck all our lives, however there is still hope, and you may not be destined for disaster. To read more about destiny.

Some people believe that entire lines of family members are cursed to suffer horrible fates, and these are called generational curses. This isn’t something everyone will worry about, there are others who want to know how to be lucky in love. Other people watch for encounters with certain animals who are deemed lucky, and others believe in the power of charms to bring good things into their lives. Still other people shun charms and don’t watch for lucky animals, and instead they want to know how to manifest intentions. Still others want to know if a psychic can help provide guidance for luck.

Generational Curses

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

Despite the popular myth that entire family lines of people have incurred some curse and are doomed to suffer a terrifying demise no matter what. Most times these things are based on cycles of learned behaviors.In situations like these, we are not called to see a magician to “break a curse” but we are called to change our lives and “break the cycles” we were raised in. Many families have cycles of toxic abuse passed from parent to child, and the abuse can range from physical to emotional and psychological. Parenting methods can be changed, however, and if you were raised in an abusive household, that does not mean you must abuse your children as well. Resources are available through school systems and counselors that can help you find ways to break the “generational curse” or the family cycle of abuse, and give your children a better childhood than the one you had.

Another “generational curse” some families suffer through is addiction. The National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence says the number one thing deciding whether someone will become an addict is their family history. Children of addicts are eight times as likely as children of parents who have no addictions to develop their own addictions. Children of addicts also have more physical and mental health problems than children of non addicts and despite all this bad news, one thing to keep in mind is that many whose parents were addicted do not become addicts themselves despite that. 

Friendship Luck

“Friends are my chosen family” a lot of people say, and indeed this is true. Some people are in our lives for a short period of time and some people stay with us for their entire lives, and while some would say this is luck, it may be more of compatibility and building a strong friendship from the foundation up. Some people effortlessly maintain friendships, and they do this by being there for their friends in good times and bad and they celebrate rites of passage together like milestone birthdays and they may even raise their kids together. You may feel that you have lucked into special people who love you, but they will probably say that you are every bit worth it because you show them great love and they don’t know if their lives would be complete without you.

Relationship Luck

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

Some people believe that nothing they say or do can change their luck in relationships, but that isn’t true. While we can’t choose our family, we can choose the people who we are friends with and we choose our romantic partners. We may feel helpless in a relationship that is going badly, but that’s not true either. We choose what we stay and tolerate every day, although we cannot control what other people do.

He’s Pulling Away

You can’t make someone love you if they don’t, and you can’t make someone want to stay with you if they don’t want to. What you can do, however, is ask what is wrong and how you can work together as a couple to fix it. There are some promising statistics that show how many people stay together once married that The Pew Research Center has shared. It states that nine in ten Americans surveyed said that love is the main reason to get married, and thirty-nine percent polled said they are married to someone whose religion is different than theirs is. So, differences don’t need to break marriages apart, and most people marry for love. If your spouse wants to end the marriage, you can’t change that, but there are good chances you can work out your problems and stay together, even if you need marriage counseling.

A Relationship Built on Lies

Relationships built on lies are quite another story. Plenty of people get together for the reason that they have fun together, and as time goes on, they find adult responsibilities are not fun, and they assume their partner is to blame. Many couples who met while they were young, and they liked going out to do fun things may feel they lose touch with one another when they stop going out to have fun. This often comes across as resenting one another when it’s because you need to spend time at home taking care of bills and kids instead. If your relationship is based solely on sex, and one of you has a change in libido before the other, you may feel like there is no relationship left. If you build your marriage or partnership solely on sex or good times, when life happens and things are not just fun anymore, your relationship might not survive.

Waiting For Someone Special

Certain peopleare in no hurry to settle down just to say they are not single, and they wait until the perfect person who is just the right match for them comes into their life. Waiting for that perfect person may seem to take a long time, but it is every bit worth it if you don’t want to engage in what some people refer to as “serial monogamy” and you don’t want to bring people into your personal life who are not going to stay. You might watch all your friends fall in love, get married, and have kids while you are still single, but if your goal is to wait for that perfect person instead of forging ahead with these milestones, that’s okay. All your friends will gladly welcome that special person when he or she comes along.

How To Manifest Love Fast

Others feel lonely without someone to love, and they want to find someone to love immediately. There is a magical way to do that. All you have to do is open yourself to loving people and then spread love. You might not find a romantic partner immediately, but you will be loved in return.

Animals Who Are Lucky

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

People believe certain animals bring their own luck to share, and that sighting a lucky animal will instill your life with luck and blessings. Some people believe that all animals have magic and bring blessings, but three especially lucky animals are deer, crows, and bees, and each of them brings their own luck to share.


The spiritual significance of deer sightings is that a powerful creature from the otherworld has graced you with its presence and the male stag represents power, virility and protection while the doe represents gentleness, nurturing, and patience. Sighting does or stags bring their special blessings, and the sighting of a whole deer family together brings the luck of family, safety, and joy.


The spiritual significance of bees is hard work, and being great team players, working for the greater good of all. Bees also bring the blessings of a great group of people, including peers, friends, and kin, who will work with you for a common cause. You will never need to feel alone when the luck of the bee is bestowed upon you, and the bee brings the ability to devote to community and common causes. It also brings plenty of energy to help you work hard towards your goals, ensuring prosperity and bounty. Very lucky indeed!


The spiritual significance of crows is all about magic, messages, and transformation. Crows represent wise observations, as they build their nests up high, so they can watch everything from a safe distance. They can bring you the ability to discern things wisely, and they may put you on notice that you will get some messages soon, so open your awareness. They can also bring energy to strengthen your own magical abilities as well. How a bird flies when it is a crow is said to matter also. If any bird, be it a crow or another kind of bird, flies into your house, it might portend a death, but it is not especially bad luck unless harm comes to the bird. Open all doors and windows and try to coax the bird out safely.

Lucky Charms Around the World

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

Besides believing that animals can bestow luck and blessings, some people believe there are things we can use to bring us luck, and every culture has their own luckiest charms and symbols. There are lucky colors like red and there are special statues like the Maneki Neko that people believe bring luck. Various coins are said to bring luck as well.

The Color Red

Of all the good luck symbols around the world, perhaps red is seen as luckiest in more places than any other symbol. Red is the color of blood and many cultures believe that blood is the basic lifeforce of the body, so red is symbolic of life and health. In China, red is the luckiest color and red lanterns and red writing that says “Xi” is pasted on doors, which means happiness. Red is worn at weddings, and people use a lot of red for special occasions and festivals in China. Red represents success, wealth, health, and good fortune in general, so the power of the color red is brought in wherever people want to bring in these blessings.

Maneki Neko

Some say the Japanese beckoning cat, or the Maneki Neko originated in Kyoto, and others insist it came from Tokyo and the earliest existing record of it dates back from 1852 during the Edo period. The cat has its paw raised in a beckoning gesture some Westerners interpret as waving hello, but it is using a gesture to beckon or welcome in things. Depending on which paw is raised, it is beckoning different things. If the left paw is beckoning, it is to draw more customers, but if the right is raised, it is to beckon in more money. So, the left raised paw is often at businesses and the right is in homes to bring wealth to the family in general. Traditionally the cat was white, but in modern times, new colors have been allowed with Maneki Neko black cats warding off evil, and pink Maneki Nekos beckoning romance.


Certain coins are considered luckiest and can be used to bring in blessings. A silver sixpence is often gifted at weddings because it is believed to bring in the blessings of prosperity and general good luck. A penny made in Ireland from 1928 through 1968 is considered lucky to carry, and it is relatively inexpensive to acquire one to carry in your pocket to bestow luck. The Japanese five yen coin called the go-en is considered lucky, and they are placed as offerings at shrines in the belief that doing so helps grant wishes. The go-en is also held in the hand to ask the Universe about what the future holds.

Manifest Your Intentions

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

It is entirely possible to gain luck from being blessed by animals or carrying charms, but what if there was a way to make your own luck? Thankfully, there is- by the things we do. More than making decisions, we make our luck by our actions we decide upon. 

When you have a goal, dig in your heels and work at it until you succeed. You will reap the benefits of all your hard work and become prosperous, but not if you give up too soon. Don’t let setbacks or perceived failures stop you. Keep working and trying, and one day you will be “lucky,” and you will succeed.

Consult Your Reader

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

If you have questions about your luck or what underlying forces are orchestrating things, you can always ask a fortune teller. They might point out that coincidences in life are at play, but they may be able to see that you have caused your own reality to manifest, and if this is true, whatever “bad luck” you may believe is at work can immediately become “good luck” because you can change things. Sometimes the best quality in a person is the ambition to have a better life, and there are times that that attitude is the first thing you need to make changes in your life. You can count on your reader to help you to see what you need to do to be successful.

Can We Make Our Own Luck?

So, the answer to the question “Can we make our own luck?” is a resounding yes! We might not be able to control everything, but with every decision comes a consequence, and making good choices to get good consequences can make us very lucky indeed.

We choose good relationships or bad ones and good can’t come from bad relationships.Manifesting reality is as simple as making choices, and your own luck is in your own hands. May your luck be good, your relationships be better, and may your life bring only the highest good for you. So be It.

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