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Indigo People

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
March 02, 2023
Indigo People
Indigo People

What are Indigo People, and how are they different from other people? Are there people who are not true Indigo People who are mistaken for them? Join us as we define Indigo Children, their traits that make them who they are, and explore if these are qualities of a good personality, and if it is considered the best personality. In this article we will explore

It is believed that some children are born so spiritually aware and far ahead of their peers, they can be misunderstood by less enlightened individuals. They don’t act just like everybody else because they are special, and Indigo Relationships, or the relationships Indigo People form are special as well. What is an Indigo Person, and what are qualities of a person who is called one? What does the power of color have to do with the fact they are called “indigo” instead of something else, and what things are indigo personality wise? Are there non-Indigo People who have some similar qualities who may be mistaken for them? Learn these things and more today.

Define Indigo Color

Indigo People

What color symbolizes healing? Blue is said to do so, but what is the color of energy of powerful psychic ability? According to Nancy Anne Tappe, who created the theory about Indigo Children, that color is specifically indigo. She stated she began seeing auras around more children that were the indigo color and that it started in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Some say that color is indicating the sixth chakra, which is the Ajna, or Third Eye. The Third Eye is the center of intuition and clairvoyance, and the imagination. These Indigo Children had extraordinary abilities and great sensitivity for other people’s wellbeing. The indigo color of their aura showed their powerful Third Eye and characterized who they are. To read more about Third Eyes, see here: What is the Third Eye and How Can We Open it? | Mysticsense

What is an Indigo Child?

Indigo People

Indigo Children have been written about by more people than Tappe, including Lee Carroll and Jan Tober in their book published in 1998, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived. Tappe wrote Understanding Your Life Thru Color in 1983, and she discussed auras and stated we each have our own aura color which characterizes who we are. The children with the indigo auras were said to have some unique and extraordinary qualities that made them extra special. They were not quite like other people, and Tappe and others said they began seeing more and more Indigo People, claiming at one point that over ninety percent of the children she saw had that indigo aura. Their personality traits made them stand out and it was believed that these Indigo People were going to change the world for the better.

What is an Indigo Trait?

Indigo People

Some of the strongest qualities in a person who has that indigo aura were studied over about forty tears by Tappe and she said she noticed distinctive characteristics. Indigo People had a powerful connection to the cosmic consciousness, and they had very strong psychic abilities. They were also described by her as confident, aware of their special abilities, and as having a sense of knowing what they felt like they deserved. They rejected societal expectations and norms and can be considered to be antisocial and have problems with authority and established societal and social standards. They supposedly have issues with being distracted in traditional educational settings at times but are highly proficient with new technologies and have high energy levels and multitask well. They are said to be quite laid back in many ways as well.

They have strong senses of self and a powerful will as well as a strong sense of their purpose in life. Indigo Children are observed to also be inquisitive, always asking questions and seeking to learn, and their intellectual abilities are not only strong, but their empathy and psychic abilities are naturally powerful as well. They are born with a naturally strong spiritual instinct, and don’t necessarily ascribe to traditional religious beliefs, usually being more spiritual than religious. Some people find them odd, and cannot understand them, but Indigo People don’t let that bother them, and remain true to themselves. It has been noted they can discard societal standards of gender identity and be androgynous as well.

What are Different Indigo Types?

Indigo People

Besides all of this, there are said to be four distinctive types of Indigo People and those are the Catalysts, the Conceptual Indigos, the Artists, and the Humanists.


These highly inventive Indigo People are always coming up with new, incredible things. They are responsible for new ideas, new religious paths, and they have unique philosophical views. Some people think they believe they are better than other people, but that might just be a misunderstanding of them because they can be socially detached at times. They may not be the most social Indigo People, but they are likely to change the world for the better!


These Indigo people are very gifted at using technology and tend to spend their time with computers and in the digital world in general. They tend to go into careers in technology as well. They excel in a structured environment where they can hone skills and keep a regular routine. They are excellent in any discipline that utilizes mechanical systems and careful methodical techniques. They don’t like sudden interruptions and work best in a peaceful environment rather than with a noisy team distracting them.


These Indigo people are just what they are called- artists. They are highly creative individuals and excel in dance, drama, comedy, or film or TV. They also may work in hands-on two-dimensional art like drawing, or painting anything they like, and can also excel in sculpture and interior design. Their artistry may make them an outstanding chef or even great with landscaping. These creative people fill the world with beauty and make other people happy with their amazing creativity wherever they go.


These are the adept communicators whose goal in life is to make life better on earth for everybody. They actively seek changes to unfair laws, and to improve the quality of life for the unfortunate. They are the animal rights activists and seek equality for all. They change society in ways that make living a better experience for everybody and excel doing work in law, social services, healthcare, and any field where they can improve policies and procedures in such a way it makes things fairer and more just.

Who is Mistaken for Indigo?

Indigo People

What is an indigo Person sometimes mistaken for? They are sometimes mistaken for people on the Autism Spectrum, people with ADHD, or people with behavioral disorders or even generalized anxiety. It has been pointed out by multiple doctors and parents that being an Indigo Person is in no way a medical disorder and cannot be treated. Indigo People have heightened psychic abilities and are naturally spiritually advanced and therefore do not ascribe to societal norms like a lot of people do. People with ADHD sometimes don’t either, and it is entirely possible for an indigo Child to have any medical diagnosis a non Indigo Child can have, but the two things are not the same thing even if there are similarities.

One disorder called Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD, is an example of being very different from simply having an Indigo aura. The Mayo Clinic lists symptoms of ODD as anger and irritability, being resentful and easily aggravated. They are argumentative and blame other people if they misbehave and can be vengeful as well. They will disagree with authority and want to do things their own way as opposed to being told what to do. However, this is entirely different from the Indigo People’s desire to change things to improve the world. Creating a better world is actually one of the most peaceful things one can do, and picking fights is not something the humanistic, empathic, laid-back Indigo person is looking to do.

It has been said that some parents make excuses for their children’s behavioral issues by claiming they are Indigo Children and can therefore do whatever they feel like. In an Essay by Dr. Daniel Kline, he states the New Age authors' advancing theories about Indigo Children did so to refute claims that things like Autism and ADHD exist. Anthropologist Beth Singler stated the movement to insist Indigo Children exist is part of “wider moral panics around children, parenting, the diagnosis of conditions such as ADHD and autism and conspiracy theories about Big Pharma and vaccinations.” Remembering that medical things are separate from spiritual things and being an Indigo Child is a spiritual thing can help keep us from confusing Autism or other things with being an Indigo Person.

 Autism is said by researchers to occur four times more often in boys than girls and it is a genetic disorder and there is no known cause and no known cure, only management of symptoms. Symptoms of Autism may include delayed speech or being completely nonverbal, repetitive behaviors and reliance on routine, difficulty with socialization, resistance to change, learning disabilities and difficulty in school and maintaining employment, and difficulty with relationships. Autism is a spectrum, and some individuals are so high functioning, symptoms are not at all noticeable, while others are disabled by them. The CDC reports about one in forty-four children fall in the Autism Spectrum, whereas it was estimated by Nancy Anne Tappe that over ninety percent of newly born kids starting in the 1960’s have Indigo auras.

What are the Conspiracy Theories?

Indigo People

Believe it or not, there are some conspiracy theories about Indigo Child Definition. Some people believe that demons and the devil grant the Indigo People their special abilities, while others say that the Chinese government pulled Indigo Children to use for experiments and research. Some people say the CIA did the same thing, while still others say indigo People are reincarnations of alien life forms or people who had lived on the lost land of Atlantis.

Demons and the Devil

Some Conservative Christians have some very pronounced beliefs about demons and their devil. They believe the psychic and sensitive abilities of Indigo Children are evil and are due to possession by the demons of the devil. They believe the New Age and Occult Communities have unleashed unspeakable evil into the world with their aromatherapy, crystal healing, divination and psychic practices, as well as spell work and religions like Wicca. They state the presence of these traditions and practices created portals for demons and the devil himself to go into innocent children and make them do the things Indigo Children do. However, the Biblical Satan is not quite who these people claim he is and to read about who he is and what the scriptures say, see here: All About the Devil | Mysticsense

Some Conservative Christians also blame modern fictional reading materials and TV shows and movies like Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons, and the entire Lord of the Rings franchise. It is claimed that Warner Brothers and Disney as well as some other companies have indoctrinated children to accept demons and the devil, and their media acts as portals through which evil can possess children. The New Hocus Pocus film is also claimed to be one such portal, as stated by this Conservative parent: A Texas Mom Warns 'Hocus Pocus 2' Will 'Unleash Hell On Kids' ( There is zero evidence of any of this.

Chinese Psychic Experiments

Authors of China’s Super Psychics, Thomas E. Raffill and Paul Dong state the Chinese Government has poured countless sums of money since the 1970’s into research about and schools for over 100,000 children who have what they call Extra Human Function, or EHF, and they stated China did this because,

“ It is because [Qigong] is popular in China today that thousands upon thousands of people with EHF have appeared there. There may be as many in China as the rest of the world put together. If a so-called “psychic war” ever takes place, China’s opponents face certain defeat. However, the Chinese government has many purposes for pursuing EHF research. Besides the military and security applications, it also has industrial uses (such as for mineral prospecting), medical applications, navigational and policing application, etc.”

One little girl was stated to be able to make at least one thousand roses bloom all with her psychic powers and a boy could put a coin into a sealed bottle with his abilities. Some people even believe the UK, USA, and the Soviet Union have performed similar studies on such children who have the same abilities it is said Indigo Children have. No proof of any of this exists.

CIA Experiments

Speaking of experiments and studies, it is said the CIA has done some of their own. Some people think the Indigo Children’s abilities are due to strange government mind control studies, including one the CIA was accused of running. It has been claimed that neuropsychiatrist, author, and parapsychological researcher Andrijah Puharich did a study at a place called “The Turkey Farm” and he brought in children who had psychic abilities from seven different Nations. It was claimed the hypnosis and mind control techniques used in his studies were damaging and the studies were done to see if the government could use the psychic abilities of the children. However, no evidence of this exists, although Puharich published multiple books and studies on various topics, one of which was simply an essay on Nikola Tesla.

Aliens or Atlantis

Some believe that Indigo People are people who have lived on other planets in past lives and have incarnated to earth to bring their higher forms of intelligence to this planet. Others claim Indigo People have reincarnated from having lives on the lost land of Atlantis, which some say was a magical place where technology and spiritual knowledge transcended knowledge anyplace else on earth, and that they bring this amazing knowledge with them. Perhaps it is understandable for some to believe that exceptional children are born with superhuman abilities or magical powers from lost lands, but we have no way to prove such a thing, so as far as we know, all of these things are just theories.

Is It the Times?

Indigo People

Are these enlightened, super spiritual children real, or is Astrology driving these changes? Some Astrologers state we have entered into the Age of Aquarius, and that is characterized by stepping away from authoritarianism, embracing humanitarianism and rights for minorities including increased feminism, and highly advanced technology. Other theories state the rise of rational thought and increased use and understanding of science makes the influence of religion fall away, and increased emphasis on space exploration and air travel are all evidence that the Age of Aquarius has begun.

Some say it began in the 1780’s, while others pinpoint 1890 on March 21 as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Some say it started in exactly 1962 when the constellation Aquarius lined up with the Sun, and Moon, and six planets in our Solar System. Still others say it is not one event, but comes in waves, and others insist it has not started yet. Some claim it will begin in 3573 with the coming of Jesus Christ to an ethereal realm in order to bring people to that world, with the spirit Ahriman coming forth to try and keep people from making it there.

If the Age of Aquarius has indeed begun, that could be an explanation for these special Indigo People and their empathic, humanitarian ways and desire to make the world a better place. If the definition of an Indigo Child is someone whose inner voice makes them revolutionary in their sensitivity and desire to create their own reality, perhaps some of the young adults of today are indeed those enlightened individuals. `

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