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What Is A Spiritual Reading? And Should I Try it?

By Mysticsense
April 19, 2020
What Is A Spiritual Reading? And Should I Try it?
What Is A Spiritual Reading? And Should I Try it?

A lot of people will, at some point in their life, consider referring to a psychic. This is usually because they are driven, whether by need or desire, to comprehend the future outcome of a current difficult situation or problem. Often these situations can relate to relationships, careers, finances and any romantic aspects of your life. Do not confuse psychic and spiritual readings, though. A psychic reading is simply a reading that can offer insight to do with probabilities that occur in your life. A spiritual reading, however, can offer an intuitive direction and lucidity that will help to nurture personal growth and self-awareness.

A spirit reading is an ancient form of divination; an influential and insightful type of reading that consults with guardian angels, spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed on. It can give a complete overview of a situation, provide you with some details that you may not have been aware of, and offer advice on which direction is best to proceed in.

What Can You Expect from A Spiritual Reading?

The first thing you must bear in mind when preparing yourself for a spiritual reading is that no one spiritual reading is the same. While most forms of spiritual guidance received during a reading can help you to identify inner truths, each reading and reader have a unique way of interpreting spiritual information and accessing this truth. Your spiritual reading can actually be influenced by an abundance of different factors, including the personality of the reader, the environment you take the reading and your current mental state.

In a spirit reading, you can ask to hear from those you’ve known and loved, including family, relatives, friends and even pets. The aim of the reading is to help you reconnect with them, learn their news, communicate love, get closure and receive their support. These readings often have a healing effect that can help you towards personal growth.

In order to receive the most useful and meaningful experience possible, it is best to have a couple of questions prepared for your reading. Your focus may be on any area of life, but a specific question can help the spirit to guide your reading.

It is often the case that some of the information gained through a reading is confusing, or you do not understand its true meaning at the time. This is why you may regularly be offered a recording of your reading. It is always worth relistening to your reading, as sometimes revelations are made during a second assessment, and it can be easy to miss the original intent of a message.

Most importantly with a spiritual reading is to remember to come at it with an open mind, as a stubbornly unchanging, skeptical opinion can be hard to shake, and will result in an inaccurate reading.

What Can You Learn From A Spiritual Reading?

There is much that a spiritual reading can teach you. However, we often find that the spiritual guidance present in a reading leads us into confirming information that we already suspected, or had a sense of. This way of being guided to an answer we already had in our mind is very common with this kind of reading. It shows that we are tapping into our own intuition for direction, which is a fantastic tool to learn to use for personal growth.

A great spiritual reader should inspire you to question yourself, therefore leading you to make personal decisions and come to revelations and conclusions. This spiritual guidance that can be earned from readings can be fantastic for settling your mind of worry, filling yourself with confidence and coming to some kind of resolution, which can be hugely beneficial in all walks of life, whether professionally, romantically or familiarly.

The Numbers

Over the last five years, the psychic industry in the US has grown by 2% every year. Each year the number of active spiritual readers has grown by 1.6%. Only one in five adults in the US have ever consulted a psychic, with women twice as likely as men to visit.

The average age among people who use a spiritual reading is between 25 and 60 years old. Women have a wider age-gap than men, with women’s average age to consult a psychic being between 21 and 60 years old, and the average age for men resting between 27 and 54.

Youngsters under the age of 23 seem to be much more skeptical of psychic services than older people. However, in the last eight years we are seeing a growing trend of people under the age of 25 opening up to more spiritual practices and divination.

A total of 387,000 users of online spiritual readings have answered questions on their frequency of use. 25.5% said that they would use it daily, around 48.5% said they would be likely to use the services weekly, nearly 20% answered that they would use the services on a monthly basis, and the remaining 6% having a spiritual reading less than once per month.

The Best Way To Ask Your Questions

As with most forms of psychic divination, you should not expect a direct and simple answer to a complex question, nor to a yes or no question. It is unlikely the spirit world will help you with a straight answer to a question such as ‘Where is my wallet?’, although it might. You are also unlikely to receive a satisfying answer to the question ‘How can I get my annoying housemate to move out?’. It would instead be better to frame the question in a more positive, open-ended manner, such as ‘How can I improve my relationship with my housemate?’.

Some other commonly asked and useful example questions could be: ‘What can I learn about my current relationship? How can I heal and improve it?’; ‘How can I be the best possible version of myself?’; or simply, ‘What guidance can the spirits offer me?’.

Some Forms of Reading Explained

  • Astrology - The study of the movements of planets and stars in relation to your birth chart, and the interpretation of their influence on the past, present, and future
  • Angel Cards – The use of specialized cards to seek guidance and insight into your life, through communication with divine beings. It can be used to give messages of comfort and wisdom, rather than the specific answers that tarot offers.
  • Cartomancy – The art of compiling a spread of a standard 52-card deck of playing cards in order to divine insights about your past, present or future.
  • Crystals – A reader focuses their energy on a reflective crystal surface, be it a ball or otherwise, and uses their intuition to read figures and impressions in the crystal, interpreting them for a seeker
  • Dowsing – A style of divination used in attempts to find groundwater, buried metals, gemstones, gravesites or other objects without the use of a scientific apparatus
  • Numerology – This branch of psychic reading deals with the significance of numbers and interpreting how their recurring patterns pertain to us
  • Reiki/Healing - A healing technique based on the principle that the reader can channel energy into the patient to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body
  • Tarot – The use of a spread of a specialized pack of cards to give specific answers and guidance, in response to a seekers question
  • Oracle Cards – Similar to tarot cards, oracle cards have fewer specific meanings. Instead of each card holding precise meaning, the oracle cards are more open to interpretation and differing meanings, which are applied by the psychic
  • Runes – Ancient writing symbols that can be interpreted by skilled readers to determine answers to questions and divine facts from the spirits
  • Tea Leaves/Coffee Grounds – The use of leftover tea leaves or coffee grounds for divination. A reader examines the patterns created by the leftovers and intuitively interprets the present world’s meaning
  • Palmistry – The practice of examining the lines and markings on a seeker’s palm, and using this information to gain an understanding of their personality and possible future outcomes

Telephone Spiritual Reading

A spiritual reading doesn’t have to just be in person. In fact, with the current global situation the way that it is, it is likely that you are unable to have a spiritual reading face to face. The worldwide pandemic is forcing many of us indoors, but for your convenience, you can take a spirit reading on the phone.

Taking a reading on the phone is just as accurate and satisfactory as online, perhaps even more so. Many psychic readers report that when performing a reading on the phone, the lack of visual cues helps to focus on the energy being received from the spirit. A phone reader will often find that they can offer a more relaxing experience when both parties are in the comfort of their home, and, of course, their availability will be greater, freeing them up to provide more dedicated time to readings, and also allowing them to read for clients at less conventional hours.

The idea of a spiritual reading is to help you to feel positive, confident and gain a new outlook on life. A phone reading can offer you this in just the same way that an in-person reading can.

Spiritual Tarot Reading

A spiritual tarot reading can be a brilliant tool to use for guidance from the spirit realm. In order to perform a tarot reading, the psychic will allow you to shuffle the cards, and then draw you a spread. A skilled psychic can then interpret and translate these cards in order to answer specific questions or to gain an overview of understanding about your current situation. This knowledge can be very beneficial, with seekers often learning how to make important self-serving decisions in life, coming to profound conclusions and experiencing revelations.

Spiritual Books and Other Material

There's plenty of literature surrounding the subject of spiritual readings. While not all beneficial, here are some of the best resources for anyone beginning their spiritual journey:

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1, Neale Donald Walsch – A definitive entry into the spiritual, Walsch’s exploration into what God may be is an eye-opener and a necessity on the shelf of any budding psychic. The book, while simple for a layman to follow, takes on some of life’s most profound questions, focusing on subjects such as romance, finance, and how to lead a more fulfilling life.

The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra – Chopra is a world-renowned author, beloved for his ability to convert Vedic teachings into a style that’s palatable to the western market. The seven laws held within are not necessarily unexpected, and you may find you are familiar with each concept. However, this is the appeal of this work, in that it is relatable, and not too worldly to be off putting.

The Alchemist, Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist is an extremely famous book, appearing on many lists regarding advice on reading before death and similar. It tells the story of a young shepherd who is trying to find a treasure beyond his wildest dreams. However, it is on the journey that he learns to get in touch with his spirituality. Easily relatable, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in spirituality of any kind.

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