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The Symbolism of the Color Blue

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
October 16, 2022
The Symbolism of the Color Blue
The Symbolism of the Color Blue
TL;DRFind out all about blue meaning personality, blue mood definition, blue energy meaning, blue moon superstitions, and blue color characteristics more generally with Mysticsense.

Blue moons, blue animals, blue chakras and blue auras. The color blue is rare in this world, so bears a deep significance whenever we encounter it. With this in mind, what is a blue aura meaning, what is a blue chakra color meaning and how can we seek comfort from blue symbols that we see everyday?

The Color Blue

The Symbolism of the Color Blue

It goes without saying that all of us are drawn to a certain color. This may be on the basis of which colors suit our complexion best, which colors remind us of loved ones or perhaps it’s as simple as the feeling we get when we surround ourselves with that particular hue. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to understand what it is that drives us towards that color and how we can further incorporate its positive touch into our lives. In this article, we are solely focusing on the color blue. Blue is a color loved by many people and is best known for its association with feelings of serenity, peace and calm. That said, blue can also be a powerful color with its regal connotations and connection to the almighty ocean. So, using this baseline understanding of the color blue, this article looks at what the color means spiritually, the way it impacts our personality and what it symbolizes in the natural world. 


The Symbolism of the Color Blue

When we talk about auras, we are referring to the individual energy field possessed by all living things on this planet, from plants and insects to animals and mankind. Most people are unable to physically see the auras of others, although feeling an auraic energy shift around certain individuals is something almost all of us will have experienced at some point or another. Aside from this, and regardless of whether we can see them or not, every Auras has a different color with each color bearing different spiritual meanings. Outlined below are all the different variations of blue aura colors and the character traits of people with these colored auras.

Blue Aura Meaning

A blue aura symbolizes what one might expect; calm, peace, tranquility and soothing. As such, a blue aura person embodies all of these qualities and helps others in their presence feel the same way. For instance, the blue aura effect is a phrase referring to the serenity of those in the vicinity of a blue aura individual. These people have a magnetizing yet incredibly peaceful manner about them that paves the way for soulful connections. Other than this, blue energy aura people are strong communicators with creative talents. They possess a naturally calm demeanor and tend to be more spiritual than most. 

Blue Green Aura Meaning

Any aura with a blue hue shares most of the general characteristics outlined above. However, the green aspect of a blue-green aura brings a healing and nurturing energy into the mix. In other words, those who have blue-green auras possess a calm and serene personality, but they are best known for their caring touch. They want to treat the sick and cure the depressed, and only feel truly energized when putting these innate desires into action. In short, blue-green aura individuals are some of the most empathetic and tender people out there, constantly seeking to provide support to both loved ones and strangers alike.

Blue White Aura Meaning

A blue aura flecked with white reveals a person of a pure and honest disposition. These individuals are truly good, right down to their very core, and live life with integrity. They are always on hand to help others and their purpose on earth is to provide. Those who have blue-white auras are the friends and family members who would give the clothes on their back to support a person in need. These individuals fare best in charitable careers, or any line of work that seeks to give back to the wider community. 

Blue Purple Aura Meaning

Those who have a blue and purple hue to their aura are, once again, similar to anyone with a blue energy aura. However, the addition of purple makes these individuals particularly good mediators and resistors of conflict. Blue aura people are already generally very strong communicators, so when the equitable energy of purple is added to the mix, we see honest and open-minded individuals who seek to make the world a better place. These people are ultimately driven by what's fair, meaning those with purple auras fare best in legal or humanitarian careers.

Blue Personality Traits

The Symbolism of the Color Blue

In the psychological sphere, the color blue also holds a lot of weight and symbolism. In fact, psychiatrist Carl Jung formulated a personality quadrant, with each quadrant describing a different personality type and represented by one of four colors; red, green, yellow, and blue. In this particular theory, those that belong to the blue color personality are broad thinkers and extremely logical. They are measured, composed and see life through an analytical lens. Some may see their systematic approach to life as jarring or even cold, however, those who can appreciate the traits that blue represents deeply admire these individuals. They admire their ability to come to reasoned conclusions in an understated way, without causing a stir or losing their cool.

Blue Chakra Meaning

The Symbolism of the Color Blue

The Blue Chakra is also known as the Throat Chakra, the fifth of seven energy zones running through the body. Naturally, due to the Blue Chakra’s position in the neck, it is associated with communication, expression and the ability to connect with others. As such, when our Blue Chakras are unblocked and energized, we are likely to find that our conversations with others are far more productive. Perhaps we are able to clear the air after months of unspoken tension, or else, maybe we can verbalize a solution to a longstanding problem afflicting ourselves and others. Whatever the situation may be, making sure to connect with and nourish the Blue Chakra will do wonders for all aspects of our lives that are governed by the spoken word. However, making sure to speak fairly and honestly is crucial in preventing our Blue Chakra from becoming blocked. 

Blue Moon Meaning 

The Symbolism of the Color Blue

You may be familiar with blue moon myths and superstitions, or maybe the phrase “once in a blue moon.” This phrase is used to refer to situations that are incredibly unlikely to happen as in folklore, blue moons themselves visit the sky incredibly infrequently. However, in reality, a blue moon is not blue at all. In fact, a blue moon is simply the name for the third of four full moons that occur in any one season. Typically, only three full moons occur in each season, but roughly every two or three years, a fourth “blue” moon cycle will grace us with its presence. The last time we witnessed a blue moon was in 2018, and the next time will be in 2023. With all that said, it is often wondered why this special fourth moon is seen as blue in the first place. Well, some theories suggest that certain atmospheric conditions may have skewed our perception of this moon in the past - wildfires, eruptions or dust clouds for instance. These natural events possibly created a particulate barrier that veiled the moon, causing the moon’s light to refract blue hues rather than white. Either way, much of the magic in a blue moon is its mystery. 

Blue in the Animal Kingdom 

The Symbolism of the Color Blue

The vastness of the ocean and the endless expanse of the sky may lead one to believe that the color blue is commonly occuring in the natural world. However, to see true blue in plants, insects and animals is actually incredibly rare. This is all down to how different substances refract light and how our eyes pick up on the wavelengths of the color spectrum. It sounds technical and confusing, but all you really need to know is that witnessing blue hues in our environment is something to amaze at. 

Blue Butterflies Meaning

Blue butterflies are certainly a positive omen. When we see these beloved winged creatures, we are served a reminder to be grateful for the things that keep us going in life. Often the speed at which our day-to-day lives rush past leave us unappreciative of the little sparks of joy that lighten up our day. These sparks may be as simple as grabbing a morning coffee with a friend or feeling satisfied when we clear our to-do lists. Whatever your personal joy may be, the blue butterfly arrives to remind you not to forget. Other than this, blue butterflies can also symbolize the feeling of stability or dependability we receive from our friends and family. 

Blue Dragonfly Meaning

A blue dragonfly may show itself to those who are currently grieving. This is because blue dragonflies represent love, loss and the need to move on. As such, these creatures can be a relatively sad symbol, although their presence is deeply profound above all else. Some even see the presence of a blue dragonfly as a sign a deceased loved one is nearby, offering protection or simply a loving sign of their affection. If there is someone in your life who is struggling with loss, giving them gifts adorned with blue dragonfly charms or imagery is a great way to show your support and provide comforting energy.

Blue Hummingbird Meaning

Most hummingbirds are purple or gray in color, so seeing a blue hummingbird is a rarity for sure. These little birds possess many different symbols, but mostly represent courage. As the hummingbird is a dedicated pollinator, flapping its wings at an unimaginable rate, they teach us the lesson of staying strong and persevering through challenging times. Blue hummingbirds can also symbolize spirituality more generally, calling on us to engage with our spiritual side and try to grapple with what our personal purpose here on earth might be. Powerful stuff!

Blue Jay Meaning

A Blue Jay is certainly not the rarest sight you will come across in the animal kingdom, but they do carry a significant message; Blue Jays represent the faithfulness and loyalty of our loved ones. When we see a flock of Blue Jays, it’s likely that we have recently overcome a heavy dispute with people very close to us, or at least are nearing resolution with one that might be ongoing. If not this, it may symbolize a reunion between long lost lovers or friends, rekindling after many years apart. The key thing to remember when spotting visual signs such as a Blue Jay is to think about the thoughts and feelings they conjure; where our mind goes first, who we think about and what our instant reaction is.

Do you still want to know more about the symbolism of the color blue? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about color symbolism at Mysticsense today!

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