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Best Capricorn Zodiac Flowers

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
August 15, 2023
Best Capricorn Zodiac Flowers
Best Capricorn Zodiac Flowers

Capricorns are born between December 22 and January 19. Capricorns are ambitious people whose work ethic helps them to accomplish most of the things they set their minds to. They focus on forging the type of reputation they feel they deserve, and they have the self-respect to know how to earn things instead of demanding what they want without trying.

The dark side of Capricorn is they tend to brag about their accomplishments and give themselves more credit than they do other people sometimes. They more than make up for that by being reliable, and true to their word, however.

The 10 Best Capricorn Zodiac Flowers

The ten best Capricorn zodiac flowers are:

1. White Roses

2. Pansy

3. Holly

4. Ivys

5. Oak

6. Baby’s Breath

7. Jimson Weed

8. Rosemary

9. Pink Gerberas

10. Plant a Tree

1. White Roses

The first Capricorn zodiac flower we’re going to discuss are white roses. If any rose describes a Capricorn, it is the white rose. There are about 300 species of roses and thousands of variations of them because roses are so well-loved, people just can’t stop creating new ones. Most roses originated in Asia with a few species native to North America and Africa, and today they are grown on every continent but Antarctica.

Fossils of roses from as long as 35 million years ago have been found, proving that roses have been around for a very long time. There are six main rose colors including red, orange, yellow, pink, white, and purple with seemingly unlimited shades of each. The oldest known rose grows at Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany, and it is over 1,000 years old.

Roses in general symbolize love and romance, but each color of rose has its own symbolic meaning. White roses symbolize purity, innocence, perfection and new beginnings. For this reason, white roses are often used in bridal bouquets. They symbolize remembrance as well, and are used in funerary and memorial arrangements. White roses were said to originate from sea foam when the goddess Aphrodite was born rising out of the sea, so they also symbolize beauty and love.

Capricorns seek perfection in most things they do, and the white rose is the perfect flower for them. Capricorns can express their pure and perfect love for somebody by giving them white roses. They can also place freshly cut white roses on either side of their workstation where they are perfecting things to draw from the energy of the white rose.

Dried white rose petals can be placed in a small bag to be carried with a single Capricorn who is open to finding a lover, and a single white rose can be given on the first date to express honorable intentions. White roses can be planted and nurtured at home, so you always have them available when you want to use them for magic.

2. Pansy

A popular garden flower, the pansy as we know it, was not created until the 19th century. Lady Mary Elizabeth Bennet, the Earl of Tankerville, and James, Lord Gambier, under the direction of their master gardeners, all took the wild pansy, and created new varieties of it. Multiple other people also worked to create new varieties, and by 1800, there were about 400 different types of pansies.

Preferring weather that is not excessively hot, pansies are among the first flowers to appear at garden centers for early springtime planting, and they are offered again in the fall when the hottest days of summer have passed. In warmer climates, they can bloom in wintertime and reseed themselves. They come in colors ranging from white, red, orange, pink, yellow, and purple.

Pansies emulate the shape of the human heart and thus symbolize love. They also symbolize remembrance and are given to your lover to express that you are thinking of them. They symbolize remembrance of the past and people who have died. A bouquet of pansies is sometimes given to a bride to express the devotion of spouses to one another. They symbolize fond memories to some and to others thoughtfulness. In Victorian times, they represented forbidden love and were given by secret lovers.

Capricorns are hardworking people, but they love just as hard as they work, and pansies can be used to express their devoted love. A Capricorn can plant pansies in the shape of a heart, and as the flowers grow, so will their love. It is believed that picking a pansy will make it rain, so go out and pick some pansies when the weather is hot and dry to ask the sky to nourish the land with rain.

A Capricorn can use pansies to draw romantic or platonic love to themselves. If you want to encourage a supervisor to like you more, give them a potted pansy to help them to love your work more. If your neighbor isn’t friendly, but you’d like them to be, plant some pansies in your yard where they can see them and let the love drawing energy do its magic.

3. Holly

When you think of holly, you probably think of only one plant. However, there are over 550 different plants including trees, shrubs, and vines that are called holly, and they grow in tropical and temperate areas around the world. English holly, also called Christmas holly, grows native in parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and has become associated with wintertime because its leaves stay green, and its holly berries are used as festive decoration for Saturnalia, Yule, and Christmas.

It can grow up to almost nine feet tall, and often lives 100 years or longer. The plant tolerates drought as well as frost and grows in thick groups with other holly and provides shelter for animals.

The holly is associated with storm gods Thor and Taranis and in ancient times, it was planted near homes in the belief that it protected against being struck by lightning. It was believed that bringing holly indoors in wintertime provided shelter for fairies, and the fairies would bless those who lived there. Newborn babies were bathed in water that had holly leaves in it for protection, and crowns of holly could be worn for its protective qualities.

Holly is believed to protect against bad luck and malevolent magic as well. While cuttings of holly have been used, it was once forbidden to completely cut down a holly plant, and the Duke of Argyll even rerouted a road to avoid cutting a holly down in 1861. Holly represents Jesus’ crown of thorns, and the red berries represent his sacred blood to Christians.

Responsible Capricorns often find themselves in charge of other people, and usually that means they are also tasked with protecting everybody. The magic of the holly can aid in that protection. Fashion holly wreaths to hang on doors, and place sprigs of holly on fireplace mantels to keep negative energy from entering the home. Plant holly on the property for protection, and hang a sprig of holly over the beds in children’s rooms to keep them safe.Fresh holly is traditionally taken indoors and hung in doorways and windows to keep out any negative energy or spirits that could enter the home. It is an old Roman tradition to throw out or burn all greenery used for protection during the winter holiday season by the first week in January to get rid of any negative energies the greenery may have absorbed.

4. Ivy

Ivy is also one of the best Capricorn zodiac flowers. It is an evergreen plant that vines and is known to cover whole trees, entire areas of the woods, and even grows up buildings. There are 12 to 15 species of ivy, and they grow native to parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Macaronesia. Their seeds are eaten by and dispersed by birds, and ivy has naturalized in North America and Australia.

They are known for their creeping vines and lush green leaves, but ivies also produce fruit and flowers with nectar, all of which is important food for wildlife. Various birds, invertebrates, and other small creatures make their homes in dense growths of ivy, and ivy is deliberately planted around trees like crab apples because it keeps them from producing fruit and making a mess in the garden.

Ancient Romans wore ivy because they believed it would keep them from becoming intoxicated, and ancient Europeans brought it into the house to ward off evil spirits. Because it is an evergreen, growing during cold winter months, ivy symbolizes eternal life, and it also symbolizes eternal bonds of love because of how it wraps itself around things.

Ivy is important in the story of Tristen and Isolde. Tristen was a knight tasked with bringing a princess named Isolde to King Mark, so she could become his queen, but the knight and princess fell in love with one another instead. They could not be together and even in death, they were buried in graves far apart, but ivy grew from both their graves and touched. The king tried multiple times to cut the ivy, and separate it, but the ivy always grew back so that Tristen and Isolde could be united.

Capricorns are people whose love is devoted and enduring, like Tristen and Isolde’s was. The ivy can be used as an expression of their love. Plant ivy at your home when you marry to symbolize your eternal love for your spouse. It can also be used to remind somebody from afar that you love them, no matter how long it has been since you were together. Ivy is also powerful to use in spell work when you want to get back together with someone.

Get a sprig of live or artificial ivy, and light a stick of rose incense, which symbolizes love. Smudge the ivy with the incense and say, “As the life of ivy is eternal, so my love is for you”. Then give the ivy to the one you love when you ask them to be yours again.

5. Oak

There are over 500 kinds of oaks, growing native in North and South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Known as one of the strongest trees, at one time their wood was highly valued for furniture due to its durability, and others love oaks because of the shade they create. Fossils of oaks from 55 million years ago have been found, and they can live to be up to 13,000 years old, like the Jurupa Oak in California.

Oak trees provide homes and food for countless animals and birds. They even provide homes for hundreds of caterpillar species, and oaks produce countless acorns that feed animals. They are threatened with extinction due to over-farming, and clearing land that they grow on, and this also threatens the wildlife that depend on the oak for their survival.

The oak is sacred to the god Zeus and in ancient times, his priests used the leaves for divination. It was believed a type of nymph lived in oak trees, so it was forbidden to cut down an oak tree, or the gods would exact punishment. Oak trees are also sacred to the god Thor.

One sacred oak in particular was called Donar’s Oak which was a place of worship for pre-Christian heathens, and it was located somewhere in Hesse in Germany. It was cut down by Christians, who used it to build themselves a church. The mistletoe, which symbolizes vitality and fertility, grows on oak, and ancient Druids worshiped in sacred oak groves.

Like oak trees, Capricorns are reliable people who feel called to love and nourish others. Capricorns, unfortunately, have the tendency to overextend themselves, ignoring their own needs while they tend to the needs of others sometimes. The oak can remind them to practice good self-care.

Carry an acorn in your pocket to remind you to take time out to rest and recuperate after all your hard work. Take time out to reconnect with your higher power under the shade of oak trees. Sit quietly under an oak to pray, or walk among a grove of oaks to connect to the divine. You can also plant an oak to help prevent them from going extinct.

6. Baby’s Breath

A member of the carnation family, the baby's breath is known as gypsophila and there are about 150 different species of them. They grow native in the Pacific Islands, Australia, Africa, and Eurasia. The plant has a delicate appearance with tiny flowers on long, wiry stems and can grow up to 3 feet tall.

They are grown for the mist-like appearance of the tiny pom-pom shaped flowers on their thin stems and are used in floral arrangements around the world. They are easy to grow from seed and the flowers are either purple, white, or pink. This is another plant that butterflies and other pollinators love.

They grow well in dry or hot places and are thus associated with love that endures the test of time. They also symbolize innocence and beauty. It is not advised to pick to eat or cook with baby’s breath from the garden center or florist because it can cause digestive issues and make cats and dogs sick if they eat it.

Though they are toxic, they have been used medicinally. They have been used in making soaps and shampoos, and they have been mixed into recipes for making desserts. They represent youthfulness, and young love in general.

Capricorns know that all love has its own innocence, but sometimes, our love can lead to heartbreak. Baby’s breath can be used to protect your heart, but still keep it open to healthy love. It’s an easy flower to use for magic because most supermarkets and florists have baby’s breath available throughout the year, and it can be dried for future use. Get some fresh or dried baby’s breath and keep it nearby when you are getting to know a new lover.

When you first meet somebody who you are attracted to, it’s easy to ignore warning signs because you are so excited about your new relationship. This is the time it is crucial to pay extra attention because you are learning how somebody new treats you. The baby’s breath will magically keep your heart open but shield you from committing to somebody who is toxic.

7. Jimson Weed

Also known as datura, the thorn apple, and the horn of plenty plant, the jimson weed is a powerful plant that has been used medicinally through the centuries. Native to Central America, the plant has made it to other continents and is known for its white or purple trumpet shaped blossoms.

The beautiful plant has been used to intoxicate enemy soldiers, and to create psychic visions. It is considered a hallucinogen and can cause rapid heart rate, and up to two weeks' worth of illness. It is not a plant to be taken lightly, but it can still be used for magic by using its energy alone and no parts of the plants.

It was said that the oracles of Greece may have used this plant in their work, and the Incas were said to as well. Datura water can be purchased from magic suppliers, and some people will use a pinch of dried leaves from the jimson weed in spells. Due to the round white blossoms, it is associated with the moon and its mind-altering properties are used in astral travel and in creating psychic visions.

Remember the Incas and Ancient Greeks had deep knowledge of plants and knew how to use toxic things like jimson weed safely, but many people today don’t have that knowledge. The best way for anyone to use jimson weed in magic is to draw their energy, but not to touch the plant.

Responsible Capricorns often find themselves in need of answers to dilemmas in life, and they often have to find solutions for other people. Even a level-headed Capricorn will need help in finding those answers sometimes, and the psychic magic of the jimson weed can help with that. Find a quiet place to sit to meditate and light a candle. Then say aloud, “I call to thee, oh spirit of the datura. I call to you for visions to guide me on my path so that I may find the right answers today.” Then quietly wait for answers to come. You will be pleasantly surprised what things are revealed to you in this way.

8. Rosemary

A member of the sage family, rosemary is an evergreen shrub that is known for its needle-like leaves that are used as a herb, but it produces beautiful blue, pink, or purple flowers as well. Native to the Mediterranean, it continues to grow in colder climates, and can be harvested even in icy, snowy weather.

While rosemary is often grown in gardens and is kept fairly small, some varieties of it can grow to be over 6 feet tall. Rosemary is often kept in pots in window sills in kitchens, so cooks can have easy access to fresh sprigs of it, but it dries so well, you might not ever have the need for fresh rosemary. If you plan to plant rosemary, make sure you don’t overwater it or put it in a soggy area, because too much water can kill it.

Rosemary is more than a culinary herb, though, as it was sacred in Ancient Greece, where priests would burn it to protect against negative energy and malevolent spirits. In past times in England, it was burned in the home of somebody who had just died and was placed inside coffins before burial. In the Middle Ages, it was spread across floors at Christmastime as one of the sacred evergreens, and people would walk on it to release its scent in the home.

Rosemary symbolized remembrance and was thrown into graves as a symbol of remembering the dead. It was also believed to improve memory and was worn on the head during academic testing as a memory aid. Both dried and fresh rosemary is used to flavor food, and it is also used to make perfumes. It is added to incense as well as shampoos and soaps because of its pleasant fragrance.

Capricorns have a lot on their minds, and they have a lot of things they want to accomplish. The more you need to remember and do, the more chance you might forget something. Rosemary can help as a memory aid for Capricorns. If you work from home, plant rosemary shrubs outside your office window, and open the window, so you can inhale the sweet smell of rosemary, so it can aid your memory.

You can pin a sprig of it to your lapel to help you remember things better, and a bit of it can be crushed between your fingers and rubbed on your wrists, so you can smell the memory aiding aroma of rosemary. To use it for protection, burn sprigs of if to cast out negativity, and place potted rosemary plants next to the beds of family members to protect them while they sleep.

9. Pink Gerberas

Native to South Africa, today’s gerberas are a result of years of cultivation, and they are members of the aster family. Gerbera daisies are also called African daisies, and they come in colors ranging from white, yellow, pink, red, and orange. They rank as the fifth most popular cut flower worldwide, and they are also appealing to pollinators.

They are grown from seed and have to be replanted every year in colder climates but come back on their own each year in warmer places. Gerberas in the garden always tilt their heads toward the sun, and as a cut flower, they last up to two weeks.

Gerbera daisies represent the sun, and happiness, and pink gerberas in particular represent the joy that true love brings. Capricorns are very selective of who they open their hearts to, and that is partly because Capricorns forge relationships that last for life. They take plenty of time getting to know people, so they can make sure they want to commit to them. Pink gerberas, or any pink flower, draws love.

Capricorns who are open to a relationship with somebody can use pink gerberas to keep their hearts open. Dried pink gerbera petals can be sprinkled in the doorway of a place you go to meet somebody who is a potential new love, and pink gerbera daisies can be kept next to your bed during lovemaking.

10. Plant a Tree

Remembrance and stability are two very important things to Capricorns. Planting a tree in their honor is something they will very much appreciate. For Capricorns, planting a tree themselves is just as important. Once you have dug the hole to plant the tree in, crack some raw eggs in the hole to help nourish the tree, and say a prayer before placing the tree’s root in the hole.

Ask the tree to help you manifest whatever magic you want to, and then plant the tree. Water it well and feed it regularly. As your blessed tree grows, your magic will manifest.


Capricorns' desire to excel motivates them to work hard and make decisions that are favorable to success. As magical as their mindset that working brings prosperity is, there are flowers Capricorns can use to make their magic even more powerful. Carry dried white rose petals when you are seeking perfect love.

Connect with your higher power beneath the strong branches of the mighty oak, and burn rosemary for purification. Your magic is strong, and your special zodiac flowers will make it even stronger.

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