Psychics' Terms & Conditions

Psychic Terms of Use

Last revised: May 16, 2023

1. General

1.1 The following Psychic Terms of Use (the "Psychic Terms" or "Terms") govern psychics' offer and performance of Services though the Website ("Psychic" or "You" or "Your"). These Psychic Terms should be read carefully by Psychics in their entirety prior to their use of the Website. Please note that these Psychic Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between the Psychic and Us, and that if You do not agree with any provision of these Psychic Terms, You should immediately cease using the Website. By using the Website, You agree to the Psychic Terms, as amended from time to time.

1.2 These Psychic Terms incorporate the Psychic House Rules, Important Protocols, Cookie Policy, and Privacy Policy (together, the "Psychic Policies"), and by agreeing to these Psychic Terms, You confirm that You also accept and agree to the Psychic Policies and User Policies.

1.3 All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning afforded thereto in the User Terms.

1.4 We reserve the right to limit the scope of use of the Website and Services to You at Our sole discretion, including in cases where We suspect that You are violating any of the Psychic Policies or User Policies.

1.5 Without derogating from the generality of the above, if a Psychic breaches any of the Psychic Policies or User Policies, or any other event as We may deem necessary, including, without limitation, (a) maintenance work; (b) inability of Our service providers to provide a Psychic with the Services; (c) market disruption; (d) the Psychic inability’s to conform to Our requirements; (e) pending litigation, investigation, or government proceeding related to the Psychic; and/or (f) if We perceive a heightened risk of legal or regulatory non-compliance associated with the Psychic’s activity, We may, at Our sole discretion and without liability to the Psychic, with or without prior notice:

    1.5.1 Suspend the Psychic’s access/account to all or a portion of Our Services and Website.


    1.5.2 Terminate the Psychic’s access/account to Our Services and Website, and delete or deactivate their connection to Our Services.

2. Eligibility

You are only entitled to use the Website if You comply with all of the following:

2.1 You are at least 18 years old.

2.2 We have not suspended or terminated Your access/account in the past for any reason to use Our Services and Website.

2.3 You have the right, authority and capacity to enter into these Terms and to abide by all the terms and conditions of these Terms.

2.4 If You are using the Services on behalf of a corporation, governmental organization or other legal entity, You have the right, power and authority to enter into the Terms on behalf of such corporation, governmental organization or other legal entity and bind them to these Terms.

2.5 You are located in jurisdictions where the use of Our Services is legal, and

2.6 You do not use virtual private network software or any other privacy or anonymization tools or techniques in order to circumvent any restrictions that apply to the Services, especially those which restrict the geographical availability of the Services.

3. Becoming a Psychic

3.1 We provide an advisory platform that allows Psychics to present their expertise and to sell advice or services to interested Users. We, through the Website, enable Users to communicate directly with Psychics and Psychics to receive payments for their Services.

4. The Services

4.1 In order to become a Psychic, You must create a Psychic account (the "Account").

4.2 You are required to complete certain details about You, as further described in Our Privacy Policy. The information that You provide during the registration process must be accurate, up-to-date and complete. In addition, You will be asked to choose a password, which, together with Your email address associated with Your Account (the “Access Information”), will constitute Your identification information for the purpose of logging in to Your Account.

4.3 You are not employed by Us to perform Services and You are not Our employee, consultant, agent or representatives. Your relationship relating to the Services is strictly and solely with the Users. Nothing will create an employment, partnership, agency, or joint venture relationship between Us and You. You have no authority to make any statements, representations or commitments of any kind, or to take any action, which shall be binding on Us.

4.4 You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account information and Access Information. You remain solely responsible for activity on Your Account with the use of Your Access Information. If You share Your password with anyone, We will not be held liable for any loss that may occur as a result thereof. You may not allow any other third party to use or access Your Account. You must notify Us immediately of any unauthorized access to Your Account, or any other breach of security.

4.5 It is Your responsibility to keep the email address associated with Your Account up to date, so that We can communicate with You electronically. You understand and agree that You forfeit the right to plead ignorance if You do not receive an electronic communication sent to You by Us, because Your Account's email address is incorrect, out of date, blocked by Your service provider, or You are otherwise unable to receive electronic communications.

4.6 We strongly encourage You, at least once per month, to change Your password.

4.7 You will be required to submit your legal name, address, and telephone number so that We may identify and contact You. You must also provide Us with your PayPal account information in order to receive payment for the Services. You must upload a photograph of You (other images, icons, or illustrations are not permitted), create a profile video and provide profile information to describe the types of services that You offer.

4.8 Once You complete your profile, You will create and submit a sample reading for Us to review. After We receive Your information and review Your reading, You will be notified whether You have been accepted as a Psychic.

4.9 We reserve the right to verify Your identity and other background information at any time and You agree to provide Us with information to do so at Our reasonable request.

4.10 You understand and agree it is Your responsibility to make sure that Your profile is appropriate, and that all information that You provide is true, complete, up-to-date, accurately reflects Your credentials and is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

4.11 By registering as a Psychic, You are not bound to continue to use the Services or to accept orders and provide readings for any length of time. You are free to use the Services when and how You choose, subject to the Psychic Terms and User Terms. You may stop accepting orders for any period of time or stop using the Services altogether for any reason or for no reason at all, provided that You fulfill outstanding orders and existing obligations.

4.12 We may review and change any typing or spelling errors on Your profile. The assessment or confirmation of accuracy of information contained in an advisor’s profile, credentials or qualifications of an advisor, or posts or transmissions by an adviser shall not be Our duty.

4.13 All communications between You and Users, whether online or offline, will be accounted for via the Website.

4.14 You will only provide Services to Users via the Website.

4.15 At Our sole discretion, any material posted by You may be removed, or We may decline to publish or transmit it. You are responsible for all risks, including the accuracy, reliability, and legality of the content submitted and distributed through the Services.

5. Reviews

5.1 Our Users rating system is a fundamental aspect of Our package and is designed to be fair and give all Psychics a chance to rise up the rankings. Any genuine rating that is made by Users will never be removed.

5.2 You undertake not to create fake reviews for yourself in order to get a higher ranking.

5.3 We have created several conditions for becoming a top-rated seller based on average ratings and number of reviews. These criteria are subject to change at Our sole discretion. It is possible Your ratings might fall below Our criteria if You receive some poor reviews, and Your top-rated status will be removed.

5.4 For additional information, please refer to the Reviews Policy.

6. License

6.1 You must only use the Services as expressly permitted by these Terms. All rights not expressly granted to You are reserved by Us, third-party providers, and other respective owners, if any.

6.2 We provide content through the Services that is copyrighted and/or trademarked work of Us or Our third-party licensors and suppliers. For clarity, the content shall include all such content accessed by You at any time. You acknowledge that the Services have been developed, compiled, prepared, revised, selected and arranged by Us and such third parties through the application of methods and standards of judgment developed and applied through the expenditure of substantial time, effort and money and that the Services constitute Our intellectual property and those of such others. Accordingly, You shall protect Our proprietary rights and all others having rights in the Services during and after the term of these Terms and comply with all written requests made by Us to protect Our and others' contractual, statutory, and common law rights in the Services.

6.3 Subject to these Terms, and Your compliance with these Terms, We hereby grant You a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable and non-transferable license to use the content and to use these Services, in each case solely for Your personal use. You agree not to use the Services or any of the content for any commercial purpose. Except for the foregoing license, You have no other rights to the Services or any content, and You may not modify, edit, copy, distribute, reproduce, publish, display, perform, license, sell, rent, lease, loan, create derivative works of, create any index, reverse engineer, alter, enhance, provide access to or in any way exploit the Services or the content in any manner.

6.4 You (and any entity that You represent) agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Company, its related companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, their respective officers, agents, employees, and suppliers, from and against any third-party claim arising from or in any way related to Your or Your users’/customers’ use of any of Your products, any of Our property (including, but not limited to, API or the Access Information), use of the Company's brand, or breach of any provision of these Terms or Our Privacy Policy, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, settlement fees, legal fees (on a solicitor-client basis), and expenses incurred in enforcing any term of these Terms against You, of every kind and nature. In such event, We will provide You with written notice of such claim, suit, or action. If You breach any of these Terms, the above license will terminate automatically.

6.5 You grant Us an unrestricted, irrevocable, and exempt license for the use, duplication, editing, transmission, distribution or public display of derivative works based on any information or content You publish, upload, distribute, and/or receive via the Website, and to create derivative work on a worldwide basis.

7. Insurance

7.1 You are responsible for obtaining a general liability insurance policy with coverage amounts that are sufficient to cover all risks associated with the performance of Your services.

8. Payments

8.1 You may decide when You wish to withdraw funds, which can be at any time. Within the dashboard, You can choose how much of Your funds You would like to cash out.

8.2 Within Your dashboard, when a withdrawal is created, an invoice is generated automatically without the need to create one manually.

8.3 We use PayPal and it is strongly recommended that You create a business account with PayPal as personal accounts can take up to three days to receive funds.

8.4 In the seven working days of each transaction, We shall make reasonable efforts to process the payment method selected by each User for the amount agreed between the User and You (subject to the fee structure listed below).

8.5 Payments are generally processed quickly. However, Psychics should be aware they can take from between 3-5 business days.

9. Fees

9.1 The billing structure consists of a commission fee for each session. Fees are charged after the invoice and payment of the bill for the final session and are provided by the following expert referral system. At all times and without prior notice, We may adjust fees.

9.2 You can set the amount You choose to charge per minute for Services as you wish (the "Psychic Fee"). We apply 48% commission to the Psychic Fee.

9.3 The additional fees We charge Users above the Psychic Fee for a minute are:

For chat –fee of $0.17 per minute
For call –fee of $0.28 per minute and
For video call fee of $0.33 per minute

9.4 Any additional administrative feature, such as canceling or facilitating wire transfers, for example, may be subject to administrative fees. You shall solely report and pay any taxes or tariffs applicable in connection with fees receivable from or received from Us. Notwithstanding this, We may withhold amounts paid by credit card users until such time as it is necessary to make sure the payment is not charged back or disputed, or until We can check that there has been no fraud, if reasonably satisfied that fraud may be incurred in connection with the payment. In those cases where a User has not paid or later charged a refund, You will have no fee paid for the transaction.

9.5 If You have already received payment, You will automatically be required to pay that sum to Us, and We may subtract the amount from Your account or future payments.

9.6 We can transfer payments from your pending income, as consultant, to your remaining balance as a User if you simultaneously participate as a User. Our billing system is not error-free, and We are not responsible for any errors or malfunctions in the handling of payments.

9.7 When You suspect an error has occurred, a report must be made within 90 days following such payment to Our service department. You hereby agree that disputes that arise after 90 days of payment are not valid and that We shall not consider them.

9.8 At Our sole discretion, We may designate a collection service to facilitate customer payment of revenue or the commission's payment by Psychics (e.g., PayPal or another third party). We currently use PayPal as Our third-party payment services provider, but We may choose a different third-party payment services provider.

9.9 In accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the collection service, this collection service can charge a fee for processing such payments. If processing fees are collected by the collection service, these processing fees and commissions are deducted from Your income.

9.10 If a User cancels or charges back the payment made to You for any reason, You may contact Us with documentation supporting the cancelation of payments. If We decide that the application is justified, We may credit Your next invoice for any commission collected for the payment of such canceled payment or fee, but We shall in no case be liable for any canceled payment or chargeback.

10. Disclaimer of Warranty

10.1 The Services are not intended as a substitute for professional care of any sort, be it financial, physical, psychological, legal or any other field that requires state licensing.

10.2 You are not authorized to provide or ask for any documentation, including, but not limited to, medical or legal records. We cannot give medical advice, treatment or information regarding any health conditions a client may have.

10.3 The Services are designed for entertainment purposes only and We are not liable for any actions or consequences based on decisions made on behalf of any information obtained through the Services.

10.4 If a customer is contemplating suicide, or is considering harming others (or himself), or in cases of medical emergency or imminent danger, it is important that You advise him to call the emergency hotline for his country (911 in the US and 999 in the UK) and notify appropriate authorities immediately. We are not responsible for and cannot help in emergency situations. Please call the appropriate authorities if needed.


10.6 When You intend to provide Your services through the use of the Website, a fair standard of care must be followed, at least the same as a qualified advisor would in a comparable transaction not performed on the Internet, or the standard of care required by Your profession, whichever is higher.

10.7 We are committed to keeping all interactions between You and Users private. However, when using Our Services, whether by phone, chat, or video call, You consent to have all sessions recorded and stored securely in order to maintain Our quality and protection standards. We will never knowingly reveal the details of Your interactions. If a customer files a dispute with a payment provider (PayPal, Stripe, credit card providers, or any payment gateway or payment company that operates on Our site), and they ask for proof of buying, We will have to share part of Your sessions with them.

11. Limitation of Liability

11.1 We do not evaluate, provide, produce or control Users, clients, Psychics or any information exchanged via the Services. We only connect You with Users through the Services. We are not responsible for the truth, accuracy, completeness, safety, timeliness, quality, appropriateness, legality or applicability of anything said, depicted or written by Users, clients and/or Psychics.

11.2 All content on the Website and/or the Services is strictly for entertainment purposes only. No content on the Website/or the Services is tailored to the specific needs of any individual, entity or group of individuals.

11.3 Your use of the Website and/or the Services shall be at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, We disclaim all warranties, explicit or implied, in connection with the Website and the Services and Your use thereof, including implied warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, usefulness, authority, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. Accordingly, the Services, including all content and functions made available on or accessed through or sent from the Website, are provided “as is”, “as available” and on a “with all faults" basis.

11.4 Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, We assume no liability or responsibility for any (a) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of any content included on the Website; (b) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Website or via the Services; or (c) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like that may be transmitted to or through the Website or the Services by any third party.

11.5 You agree to hold Us harmless for any losses caused, directly or indirectly, to You and/or to any other third party, with respect to the Website and/or the Services, and You shall bear sole responsibility for any of your decisions made relying on the content of the Website and/or the Services.

11.6 In no event will We be liable to You or any third party for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever, including any lost profits or lost data arising from Your use of the Website and/or the Services or other materials on, accessed through or downloaded from the Website or as part of the Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not We have been advised of the possibility of these damages, and in cases where a judicial authority finds Us liable, Our liability shall not exceed USD 50. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.

11.7 We are not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone or network lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, hardware, software, failure due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet (or inaccessibility of the internet) or incompatibility between the Website or the Services and Your browser and/or other equipment. Without derogating from the above, We do not assume any responsibility or risk for Your use of the internet.

11.8 We do not check the accuracy of posts or transmissions of Users via the Website. We therefore accept no responsibility to check any Users’ identities. It is therefore encouraged that You verify the creditworthiness and details of Users to whom You provide Services.

12. Intellectual Property Rights

12.1 The Website and its content, including the video materials, text, photos, logos, any graphical display of data, designs, sound, figures, analysis, statistics, trademarks and any other content embodied in the Website, are protected by Our intellectual property rights or those of third parties.

12.2 As between You and Us, We retain all right, title and interest in and to the Website and the Services. The use of the Website and/or the Services does not confer on You any of the intellectual property rights embodied in the Website and/or the Services, other than the right to use the Website and/or the Services in accordance with the terms of these Terms.

12.3 You shall not, nor shall You allow any other party to, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, create derivative works from, rent, sub-license, distribute, reproduce framed, republish, scrape, download, display, transmit, post, lease or sell in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, use for any purpose other than for using the Website or the Services pursuant to the Terms or otherwise exploit any of the contents of the Website without Our explicit, prior written permission.

13. Prohibited Activities

You undertake to use the Website and the Services in a respectful manner, and You undertake not to:

13.1 Violate any applicable laws or regulations, encourage or promote any illegal activity, including, but not limited to, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy, identity theft, hacking, cracking or distribution of counterfeit software.

13.2 Use the Website for the purpose of uploading, downloading, distributing, publishing or transmitting (a) information or other material in a manner that violates any rights, including intellectual property rights, protection of privacy rights or any other right; (b) information or other material that is prohibited for publication or use because it constitutes threat, harm, insult, slander, defamation, racism or inappropriate content; (c) information or other material that includes a virus or other software that may damage Our computer systems or those of any third parties or in a manner that may restrict or prevent others from using the Website; (d) information or other material that violates any law; or (e) information or other material that includes an advertisement of any kind without Our prior written permission.

13.3 Delete or modify any attributions, legal notices or other proprietary designations or labels on the Website.

13.4 Allow someone You are not to use at any time Your Account, username or password.

13.5 Use abusive language against other Psychics, Users or Our staff, including, but not limited to, in chat sessions, chat reviews and forums.

13.6 Create multiple accounts in order to fraudulently obtain the free bonus multiple times.

13.7 Use obscene or overly sexual language. You will not expose yourself on video calls or in any other way sexually harass or intimidate our Psychics or customer service agents. In the event we find evidence of this, We will report You to the relevant authority.

13.8 Use the Services using any interface other than the Website.

13.9 Interfere with other Users' use of the Website and/or the Services.

13.10 Engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the Services.

13.11 Use bots or other automated methods to access or use the Website and/or the Services.

13.12 Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or transmit), without Our express permission, any material that acts as a passive or active information collection or transmission mechanism, including, without limitation, web bugs, cookies or other similar spyware devices.

13.13 Make any changes and/or interfere in any way in the source code of the Website and upload any software and/or application that may harm or cause damage to Us, the Website or any other third party.

13.14 Disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer any software or other technology included in the Website or used to provide the Services, or

13.15 Encourage or induce any other person to engage in any of the activities prohibited under this section.

13.16 Provide or try to offer any service or advice You are not eligible to provide, including any legal or medical advice or other information that is only legally available to a licensed professional that has a doctor-patient, attorney-client or other relationship.

13.17 Participate in medical practice or engage in a doctor-patient relationship with a User by using, administering or dispensing any prescription from the Website.

13.18 Give advice concerning the purchase or sale of securities, provide a report or analysis related to securities, or advise on any products or services connected with lotteries.

13.19 Exchange personal data with Users.

13.20 Manipulate the integrity of the ratings system for Users.

13.21 Post contact information on the Website.

13.22 Provide false data or misleading information.

13.23 Offer services that guarantee a direct future change, including, but not limited to, spells or removal of spells or

13.24 Be involved in any actions to defraud, confuse or otherwise mislead any User.

13.25 You acknowledge that without prejudice to any other right of Ours, if We are concerned that Your use of the Website does not comply with the provisions of these Terms or any applicable law, We may track Your use of the Website or the Services, prevent You from accessing the Website, transfer Your behavior patterns on the Website to third parties, and perform any other action that We may deem appropriate to protect Our property and/or rights and/or the rights of third parties.

14. Permitted Disclosures

14.1 We may disclose your information, including, but not limited to, transcripts, surveys, recordings, and personal data, if it (a) is necessary to comply with legal proceedings (search warrant, subpoena, court order, etc.) or any other obligation from government authorities; (b) theoretically minimizes Our liabilities in actual or potential proceedings; (c) is for the protection of Our rights or property, or the rights or property of any person and organization; (d) is appropriate or necessary to enforce this agreement; or (e) is needed to deter illegal behavior like fraud, etc.

15. Third-Party Services or Content

15.1 While using the Services, You may view content or services provided by third parties, including advertisements.

15.2 We do not control, endorse or adopt such content or services, and they may not always be accurate or current.

15.3 Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, it is emphasized that all content provided by third parties is not provided by the Company or by anyone on its behalf, and We do not control, endorse or adopt any such content.

15.4 Accordingly, We recommend that You independently verify all information before relying on it, and any decisions or actions taken based upon such information are Your sole responsibility.

15.5 Your use of any third-party scripts, indicators, ideas and other content is at Your sole risk.

16. Links

16.1 The Website may contain links, content, advertisements, promotions, logos and other materials to platforms, websites or software that are controlled or offered by third parties (the “Links”). We caution You to ensure that You understand the risks involved in using such websites, software, platforms or materials before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via these websites, platforms or software or based on such materials. Such Links are provided solely for Your convenience, and You agree that under no circumstances will You hold Us liable for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on other websites, platforms or software.

16.2 The inclusion of Links in the Website is not an endorsement, authorization, sponsorship, affiliation or any other connection between Us or those websites, platforms, software or their operators.

17. User Privacy and Communication

17.1 Any details You receive from Users are PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. You may not share or upload such data to any community, publishing company, forum, website, or any other location.

17.2 You may not share this data with any other Psychic or any other person, organization or individual. You also understand that Users are not required to maintain confidentiality in regard to any service received from You.

17.3 Some communications of the Website and/or Services are facilitated by third-party means. Some or all communications between You and Users are not encrypted, which means they can be intercepted or monitored unauthorized. Therefore, any contact carried out via emails or telephone between You and Users may also be tracked by unauthorized intercepts.

17.4 You understand that You must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which entitles Users to the following rights:

    a) Data protection

    b) Data portability

    c) Right to erasure of personal data and

    d) Right of access.

17.5 You must not do anything that could violate the privacy rights of Users, including, but not limited to:

    a) Hold User information or any personal data in an unsecured way./p>

    b) Share User’s personal data with anyone.

    c) Fail to take reasonable measures to safeguard a personal User’s information or

    d) Not comply with a User’s request for personal data deletion.


18. Miscellaneous

18.1 We may, at Our sole discretion, amend, modify, or discontinue, from time to time, any of the Services and/or introduce new Services. We shall not be liable for any loss suffered by You resulting from any such changes made and You shall have no claims against Us in such regard.

18.2 We may modify these Terms from time to time. When We do, We will provide notice to You by publishing the most current version and revising the date at the top of this page and any modifications shall be effective immediately upon such publication. By continuing to use the Website after any changes come into effect, You are deemed to agree to the revised Terms.

18.3 You agree that transmission of information to or from the Website does not create between You and Us any relationship that deviates from that specified in these Terms.

18.4 The User Policies and Psychic Policies, as amended from time to time, constitute the only valid agreements between You and Us, and no representation, promise, consent or undertaking, whether written or oral, that is not included in the User Terms or Psychic Policies will be binding upon the parties.

18.5 These Terms and the relationship between You and Us shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Israel, and You irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, with respect to any dispute regarding the validity, breach, interpretation, performance or otherwise arising out of or in connection with these Terms and the relationship between You and Us.

18.6 No failure or delay on Our part in exercising any right, power or remedy thereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.

18.7 If any provision of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable under applicable law, then such provision shall be excluded from these Terms and the remainder of these Terms shall be interpreted as if such provision was so excluded and shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms, provided, however, that in such event these Terms shall be interpreted so as to give effect, to the greatest extent consistent with and permitted by applicable law, to the meaning and intention of the excluded provision as determined by such court of competent jurisdiction.

18.8 We may transfer or assign any and all of Our rights and obligations hereunder to any third party. Without derogating from the above, the Website and/or any of the Services may be operated by third parties. You may not transfer, assign or pledge in any manner whatsoever any of Your rights or obligations under these Terms.